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DSC_0800_reduced.jpegStanley No 1 left front view55 viewsLooks pretty good. Still has to be demounted and cleaned up. Stuck iron assembly hold down screw has been freed with a little oil. SomedayForgeApr 03, 2017

DSC_0802_reduced.jpegStanley No 1 left rear view54 viewsNote minor stuff on tote.SomedayForgeApr 03, 2017

DSC_0772_reduced.jpgShadow Box I62 views25" wide by 22" tall. Nice 12" Diston & Sons and a skewed multi-plane with some blades - Probably a Stanley or Sergeant. Anybody want the tube repair press :0)SomedayForgeApr 02, 2017

DSC_0784_reduced.jpgShadow Box II80 views32" wide by 23" tall. A few nice tools. Stanley No 1 bench plane in upper right corner. Blade stamped L. Bailey in half circle - Patented - Dec 24, 1867 (I think 67).
SomedayForgeApr 02, 2017

GeekSquad1965.JPGReal Slide Rule128 views4' I guess Pickett. Also notice the pocket protector. SomedayForgeDec 08, 2011

DSC00383touchmark_copy.jpgMy Touchmark151 viewsHandmade on a piece of steel that probably started life as a star drill - 1/2" between flats. Used two tiny homemade chisels on smaller 6-sided piece of tool steel, one with a curved cutting edge, the other straight. Probably 3/16" stuff, with ends tapered to get the tiny chisels ends needed. Used tiny files to fine tune those chisels. SomedayForgeAug 26, 2011

P9120138b.jpgI'm ready to try it. 191 viewsThat's me in my BAM outfit. Notice that someone else has already done most of the cut for this slab. One cuts a bit on one side then switches to the other, maintaining 45 degree cuts that meet in the middle. Kind of like resawing. SomedayForgeFeb 24, 2011

P9120139b.jpgFull body action171 viewsYup, the full body is involved. It cuts quite a bit on each pull. SomedayForgeFeb 24, 2011

P9120140b.jpgSaw in action152 viewsClose up of saw in actionSomedayForgeFeb 24, 2011

P9120141b.jpgStarting the pull140 viewsGetting ready to go at itSomedayForgeFeb 24, 2011

P9120142b.jpgPutting my back into it126 viewsLong pull, pulling with arms and back with feet firmly planted in front. SomedayForgeFeb 24, 2011

P9120143b.jpgAnother closeup146 viewsBIG teeth. And notice that they vary in size. The eldest of the sawyers was sharpening these saws on site. I didn't think to watch him more closely while doing that. SomedayForgeFeb 24, 2011