Last additions - TRexF16 |

Finished_1.jpg77 viewsTRexF16Jan 28, 2012

Finished_2.jpg64 viewsFor some reason the bookmatched knot cracks in the alder panels don't look like they're filled here, but they are - smooth as silk with shellac followed by Waterlox followed by wax.TRexF16Jan 28, 2012

Finished_3.jpg79 viewsEverything all done, finallyTRexF16Jan 28, 2012
IMG_1453_(600x800).jpgComparison Front view93 viewsScratchin' my head. This 5 1/4 (on the left) does not match ANY definable type. Help!TRexF16Feb 06, 2011
IMG_1455_(800x600).jpgcomparison rear view91 viewsPlane came with brown stained hardwood tote and knob secured to the sole with WWII style steel one-piece rods - of course these could be replacements. Frog fits fine but does not seem to be stanley. Has twisted lateral (to form thumb piece) with no markings, not two-piece, and small brass adjuster. TRexF16Feb 06, 2011
IMG_1451_(800x600).jpgBack of Frog seat79 viewsNot tapped for adjustment screw. No patent date cast into sole. No raised ring for knob. Don't know of any type which would have these features.TRexF16Feb 06, 2011
IMG_1450_(800x600).jpgFront view frog seat86 viewsSTANLEY is the only marking cast into the base. Arched rib frog reciever but lacks the little wider part right at the end by the mouth like the Type 13 5 1/4 sitting next to it. Rear of frog receiver shaped like post type 10, but not drilled for adjusting screw like some WW II modelsTRexF16Feb 06, 2011

IMG_1297.JPGBeeswax etc.66 viewsIncluding some Camelia oil, which I have never used yet and am looking forward to trying.TRexF16Jan 09, 2011

IMG_1298.JPGSpalted Pear 174 viewsSome nice pieces of leather for the next project as well as the wood.TRexF16Jan 09, 2011

IMG_1299.JPGSpalted Pear 274 viewsTRexF16Jan 09, 2011

IMG_1300.JPGPersimmon Wood77 viewsTRexF16Jan 09, 2011

IMG_1223.JPG45 viewsTRexF16Dec 12, 2010
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