Last additions - dpearce |

P6080130_s.jpgFroe Whacker debarked147 viewsGetting the bark off the froe whacker logdpearceJun 09, 2010

P6080131_s.jpgFroe Whacker drawknifed142 viewsFroe Whacker after it was drawknifed and all of the soft wood under the bark was removeddpearceJun 09, 2010

P6090133_s.jpgFroe Whacker completed162 viewsFroe Whacker after chiseling down for a handle and spokeshaved a bit for a smoother gripdpearceJun 09, 2010

P6090134_s.jpgFroe Whacker complete 2201 viewsChecking the fit for the Froe Whacker. Might need trimmed down just a bit.dpearceJun 09, 2010

P3160072_s.jpgMy corner of the garage30 viewsHere's a shot of pretty much my whole working area. If I need more room (and I often do), the minivan goes outside. Usually, I can get by with the space here.dpearceJun 09, 2010

P3160073_s.jpgStorage cabinets31 viewsAnother view of the back wall, this is in front of the "parking" section of the garage. All the cabinets are made from scrap, thus they got painted. The doors are all done with Chalkboard paint and labeled with the contents. If I run out of something, I put a checkmark next to it, and just look at the cabinets as I'm heading out to the store. Once an item is replenished, I erase the checkmark. Clever idea I gleaned from a DIY e-newsletter.dpearceJun 09, 2010

P3160074_s.jpgHand built tool storage cabinets38 viewsTwo hand built cabinets. First one's I've ever made. Good enough for now to hold some planes and such.dpearceJun 09, 2010

P3160075_s.jpgPegboard and stuff28 viewsLast but not least, I needed somewhere to hang up some tools. The saw till on the right is perfect (for now) to hold my users. The pegboard, while not perfect, works for now. Eventually, I'll replace the pegboard with a hanging tool cabinet, preferably one like those found in Jim Tolpin's Toolbox book!dpearceJun 09, 2010

Galootaclaus08_01.jpgGalootaclaus 2008 - Individually hand wrapped!105 viewsEach tool came individually hand tied and wrapped! Very nice!dpearceDec 26, 2008

Galootaclaus08_02.jpgGalootaclaus 2008 - A fine set of users!153 viewsGreat set of tools from my galootaclaus match for 2008! Thanks Curt !dpearceDec 26, 2008