Last additions - KellysW |

005~1.JPGThe Whole kit and caboodle86 viewsSome may ask about the drop spindle. GC has been watching and knows of my 4 Llamas,6 Icelandic sheep, 4 Angora goats and one ewe cross Suffolk/Dorset/Rambouillet. So my future has a spinning class in it in Jan 08. The files are part of my desire to sharpen my many saws that follow me home. The rest are made out of Galloot saved items. I believe the dove tail gauges are from a drywall square. That GC is very good at making amazing items from materials on hand. Did I mention the box? Hand cut dove tails .KellysWDec 30, 2008

008.JPGGalloot made markiing knife48 viewsI have been wanting one of these. Just havn't found the time to make it.KellysWDec 30, 2008

006~3.JPGG clause 200851 viewsA very nice Galloot made mallet.KellysWDec 30, 2008

IMG_1239_box_c_1.jpgThis chest was purchased on Craigs list for a princley sum of 15.00 US.206 viewsI found this chest labled "trunk" Even though the previous owner had been using it as a tool box. Mainly storing junk. I believe this to be a rare Iowa Shipswright chest. But please follow along with my logic.KellysWNov 23, 2008
IMG_1242_(2)_hand_2.jpg142 viewsNote the brass or bronze handles. These are laid in and held with screws typical of early 1900s. KellysWNov 23, 2008
IMG_1238_(2)_box_op_3.jpg143 viewsHere you can see that the box has various sighns of a box built in the early 1900s. Note flat head screws. Allso the joinery has pieces of metal bands and corner brackets. The top brackets are missing but the mortise lines and shape denote corner brackets.KellysWNov 23, 2008
IMG_1243_(2)_surp_4.jpg195 viewsIt wasn't untill I opened the box that I was absolutely sure this is a real shipwrights tool chest with every thing needed to assemble a ship. In this rare case all the parts fit right in the box. Our fore fathers realy had it figured out. Gotcha.....KellysWNov 23, 2008

001.JPGGEO Bishop & Co.73 viewsI found this saw at an antique shop. The pat date says Jan 9 -06 Laweranceburg Indiana. 14 inches long with a reversible blad. The end has teeth as well that help hold the front of the blade in place. I havn't been able to find any thing else on this item. I am looking for some guidance as to its rarity. Or mayby I should try sharpening it and use it???KellysWJul 27, 2008

002~0.JPGGEO Bishop & Co.67 viewsI found this and found it a bit of a novalty in that it has the option of two diferent tpi teeth choices and the bar helps to acurately cut dovetails.KellysWJul 27, 2008

005~0.JPGyet another pic of ugly Wbucher chisel...92 viewsKellysWJul 27, 2008

006~2.JPGW Bucher ugly chisel260 viewsKellysWJul 27, 2008

010~0.JPGThe buisness end of the ugly chisel.74 viewsYears of abuse to one ugly chisel...KellysWJul 27, 2008