Last additions - bertfig |

DSC00489.JPG132 viewsWho made this chisel ? Anyone....bertfigJul 07, 2014

DSC02568.JPGBox 3117 views2nd from top
3 home made marking gages, assorted files,
8 neats drill stops, 11 burs & 7 stonesbertfigMay 04, 2009

DSC02569.JPGBox 384 views3rd
Nothing herebertfigMay 04, 2009

DSC02570.JPGBox 372 views4th home made square and protractorbertfigMay 04, 2009

DSC02571.JPGBox 382 views5th assorted sanding disksbertfigMay 04, 2009

DSC02553.JPGBox 276 viewsCircle cutter, Stanley 95, North Bros Yankee 30a,
Starrett 178a and unmarked feeler gagebertfigMay 04, 2009

DSC02555.JPGBox 281 viewsL S Starrett #178a Radius gagebertfigMay 04, 2009

DSC02556.JPGBox 286 viewsStanley #95bertfigMay 04, 2009

DSC02557.JPGBox 2190 viewsPinch DogsbertfigMay 04, 2009

DSC02567.JPGBox 388 viewsPart of the dealbertfigMay 04, 2009

DSC02530.JPGBox 2100 viewsThis one came with the keybertfigMay 04, 2009

DSC02543.JPGBox 293 viewsStanley #60 1/2in
Unmarked 1/4in socket chisel
Sargent VBM 5/8 socket gaugebertfigMay 04, 2009