Last additions - Ken Cutting |

PICT0002.JPGWhitney, Cordier & Co. Brace136 viewsOverall shot of rare(?) brace with this ratchet mechanism CuttingSep 27, 2008

PICT0001~0.JPGWhitney, Cordier & Co. Brace125 viewsRare(?) June 2, 1885 patented ratchet with cam action
Note the cam lever to select ratchet direction.Ken CuttingSep 27, 2008

PICT0369.JPGThe San Fran Haul183 viewsUnofficial Galootaclaus from my brother's San Fran vacation! There are individual pictures, especially of the plane.Ken CuttingDec 26, 2007

PICT0371.JPGMillers Falls No. 189 viewsThe rosewood handle is filled with bits but I'm curious as to whether the stained hardwood knob (far side) is consistent with the original for a No. 1 with a rosewood handle.Ken CuttingDec 26, 2007

PICT0365.JPGSan Fran Plane Iron176 viewsthe upper left character - identification of any of the characters would be great. As well as any knowledge of plane type (name), usage etcetera...Ken CuttingDec 26, 2007

PICT0366.JPGSan Fran Plane Iron2101 viewsone of the more obvious characters - any info would be appreciated.Ken CuttingDec 26, 2007

PICT0368.JPGSan Fran Plane272 viewsYou can see the profile of the plane in this picture - a compass plane of some sort.Ken CuttingDec 26, 2007

PICT0373.JPGSan Fran Plane295 viewsYou can see the profile of the plane in this picture - a compass plane of some sort.Ken CuttingDec 26, 2007

PICT0374.JPGSan Francisco Plane79 viewsan unofficial Galootaclaus from my brother who was saying thanks for watching the kids and driving them to the airport at 3:30 in the morning for their vacation to San Fran.Ken CuttingDec 26, 2007

PICT0271.JPGGalootaclaus 2007215 viewsSomething old, something new, something borrowed, something blue!
Somethings galore!Ken CuttingDec 20, 2007

PICT0223.JPGTony Zaffuto Carbide Burnisher205 viewsTony Zaffuto's beautiful Galootaclaus '07 burnisher to me his Galootaclaus giver!
Thanks, TonyKen CuttingDec 10, 2007

PICT0227.JPGGrip it and burnish!104 viewsThanks Tony Zaffuto!Ken CuttingDec 10, 2007
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