Last additions - daveldr |

GaryCaron-BrettonWade-TomDugan-CharlieRodgers-07.JPGGary Caron, Bretton Wade, Tom Dugan, Charlie Rodgers176 viewsThe other side of Bretton's shop watching Dave Lucier and the 55daveldrJul 10, 2007

WitherbyFirmersInBox03-07.JPGWitherby Firmers In Original Box w/ decals192 viewsI couldn't get a better pic, hopefully someone else did. This is SWEETdaveldrJul 10, 2007

MixedChisels-UserBox01-07.JPGMixed Chisel set in a User-made Box159 viewsThis is a complete set but the chisels don't match each other exactly. Of course you'd have to study them to realize it. Way to go BrettondaveldrJul 10, 2007

MixedChisels-UserBox02-07.JPGMixed Chisel set ina User-made Box146 viewsThe picture doesn't show just how shiny Bretton's set was or how nice the box is. Talk about counting nose hairs...daveldrJul 10, 2007

BillGhio-TomPrice-CharlieDriggs-SteveReynolds-07.JPGBill Ghio, Tom Price, Charlie Driggs, Steve Reynolds132 viewsThe other side of the ring around the totedaveldrJul 10, 2007

trammelPts-fancy-07.JPGfancy trammel Pts124 viewsMore eye candy from Mr MerlindaveldrJul 10, 2007

DaveLucier-TomPrice-Examine55-07.JPGDave Lucier showing Tom Price the 55148 viewsdaveldrJul 10, 2007

DaveLucier-Stevereynolds-TomPrice-BrettonWade55-07.JPGDave Lucier using 55, Steve Reynolds, Tom Price, Bretton Wade watching192 viewsdaveldrJul 10, 2007

DaveAdams-DaveLucier-BrettonWade-GaryCaron55-07.JPGDave Adams, Dave Lucier, Bretton Wade, Gary Caron, Stanley55115 viewsDave Lucier brought out a 55 and set up a beading blade for people to try outdaveldrJul 10, 2007

trammel_pts-07~0.JPGtrammel pts113 viewsProlly a leather working tool %-)daveldrJul 10, 2007

trammel_pts-07.JPG3 Adria backsaws107 viewsdaveldrJul 10, 2007

AdriaX3-07.JPG3 Adria backsaws104 viewsdaveldrJul 10, 2007