Last additions - jim.esten |

versatool.JPGShelton Versatool182 viewsOkay, now if there is something I could be accused of collecting, it is these combo tools. Usually, I'm partial to the wood threaded tools in the handle variety, but this was a little beauty Dad set aside. IOB the brief user manual.jim.estenAug 08, 2009

razorplane.JPGWilco Razor Plane113 viewsDad gave me this last visit .. IOB complete with extra blades and manual. Can't imagine it is all that useful, but quite a conversation piece!jim.estenAug 08, 2009

craftmastervice.JPGPlaning stop113 viewsIOB, nice little Craftmaster benchtop stop vice. Another gadget Dad set aside for me.jim.estenAug 08, 2009

slidingguage.JPGDouble arm sliding marking guage93 viewsNo mfr stamp visiable, wooden thumbscrews completely intact .. Dad set this one aside for me.jim.estenAug 08, 2009

woodsmith.JPGThe Woodsmith100 viewsLittle ceramic gadget my Mom set aside from Dad's hillside summer long rummagejim.estenAug 08, 2009

dunlapchest.JPGDunlap machinist chest117 viewsFor a buck.. can't have too many of these even if not in the best of shape. Hey, all the drawers work!jim.estenAug 08, 2009

62chuckset.JPGMF chuck set for 6287 viewsjim.estenAug 08, 2009

esten1.jpgGalootaclaus 2008 -- Carving Tools and native wood full shot108 viewsCourtesy of Peter McBride .. fantastic!jim.estenDec 26, 2008

esten2.jpgGalootaclaus 2008 -- Carving Tools and native wood84 viewsGreat stuff from Peter McBride .. the darker handles are lightwood, the lighter handles are blackwood. Sample of huon pin, blackwood, and red iron bark as well. Bravo!!jim.estenDec 26, 2008

esten3.jpgGalootaclaus 2008 -- Carving Tools 83 viewsHere is the business end of the setjim.estenDec 26, 2008

gp_press.jpgGP Benchtop drill press--SOLD!110 viewsSOLD!!jim.estenOct 21, 2007

whatzit_frontside.jpgWhatzit - front side280 viewsLooks to be the front side of the gadget .. jim.estenOct 21, 2007