Search results - "10" |

2018_01_24_3109_GClausS.jpgGalootaclaus 2017 overview81 viewsSchwartz

2018_01_27_3110_GClausSS.jpgGalootaclaus 2017 detail79 viewsrabbet plane ( rebate Jeff ) awaiting 1st assignmentSchwartz

DSCN1071.JPGpresumed pattern makers chest15 viewschest is from Hamilton area, a big steel town. There are a number of things that yell "pattern maker" in the chest.dlarue

DSCN1072.JPGferule15 viewscool cast ferulesdlarue

DSCN1073.JPGchisels16 viewschisels in the chest - note the number of cranked necksdlarue

DSCN1075.JPGshrinkage13 viewsshrink rule from tool chestdlarue

IMG_20170810_124426.jpgring mandrels26 viewsring mandrels on a pole lathedlarue

IMG_20170402_101624.jpgdont buy that30 viewsa stanley 45 plow plane for a good price, despite the missing knob and only the one cutter.
I resisted the urge to buy it as I already have a couple of these. dlarue

IMG_20170402_121015.jpgStrange chisel 124 viewsPS&W sash mortising socket chisel - OR IS IT??dlarue

IMG_20170219_104812.jpgboiling34 viewsboiling maple syrup feb'ry 2017dlarue

IMG_20150610_205157530.jpgTiny Wilton vise in the big Prentis39 viewsnicknaylo

IMG_20150610_205207288.jpgTiny Wilton(?) vise41 viewsnicknaylo
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