Search results - "1885" |

IMG_1885.JPGKnives69 viewsI do some wood carving, and I probably own just about every carving tool money can buy. Recently I found that I was not completely happy with any of the carving knives I owned. I was carving some VERY hard stuff, and the blades simply would not stay sharp.
I have been saving some High Speed Steel power hack saw blades, and decided to try making knives from that. I learned that to grind the edges I needed to use my big disc grinder for the roughing out. Then I cut the shape I wanted using a die grinder. Then I epoxied the blade haft into exotic wood. The wood on these knives is Limoncello. It was given to me by another galoot.Oldmillrat

PICT0002.JPGWhitney, Cordier & Co. Brace136 viewsOverall shot of rare(?) brace with this ratchet mechanism Cutting

PICT0001~0.JPGWhitney, Cordier & Co. Brace125 viewsRare(?) June 2, 1885 patented ratchet with cam action
Note the cam lever to select ratchet direction.Ken Cutting