Search results - "2008" |

sillsboth.jpgSill install134 viewsThe newly installed windowsill is on the left, and the one from 2008 is on the right. The one on the left will look like the other when the plastering is done.madwing

Roman_Plan_Finished.jpgroman Plane - top view456 viewsAnother view of the Roman Plane I made based on a picture in the Dec 2008 EAIA Chronicle.jerkinsj

Roman_Plane_Finished_side.jpgRoman Plane423 viewsMy version of the Roman Plane from the EAIA Chronicle (Dec 2008) made of Ash with a Rosewood sole and Hock blade. It works quite well although I'm still working out the hand placement.jerkinsj

dscn0063_scaled.jpgKiev September 200848 viewsInteresting wood shingles on upper level of The Golden Gate in Kiev, Ukraine.timpendleton

dscn0061_scaled.jpgKiev September 200854 viewsInteresting wood shingles on upper level of The Golden Gate in Kiev, Ukraine.timpendleton

DSC02316.JPGGalootaclaus Christmas 2008. Thanks Paul55 viewsRosewood and Dogwood and lots of handy tools. Even music to work by!waltc

IMG_1399.jpgGalootaclause '08155 viewsBowsaw, molding plane and gimlets from Galootaclause 2008.Bad Andy

Galootaclaus2008.jpgGalootaclaus 2008164 viewsFantastic Galoot Loot from Galootaclaus elf Pete Wood.
A Type 7 Stanley No. 29 Transitional Fore Plane kit.
Two chisels in need of handles.
Birch wood for the handles.saltchuck

006~3.JPGG clause 200851 viewsA very nice Galloot made mallet.KellysW

GC2008.jpgGalootaclaus 2008.158 viewsHoo boy, now I gotta be good for the whole next year to earn all this. My benefactor included a couple of wooden screw clamps that he made (The jaws of Southern yellow pine -- check out the 1/2 inch growth rings on the jaw in the back!), a mallet of mulberry he also made, back issues of the now-defunct Woodwork magazine which were fun to look at again, band some great chunks of cherry, spalted maple and possibly catalpa, and condiment bottles for catsup, shellac or BLO stuffed with shellac pad material.curt seeliger

20080228_0038.JPGCut the vlevet to size81 viewsI leave about 1/2 inch extra on each side to allow for folding over and gluing.j.duprie

20080228_0040.JPGtrim Velvet to fit the panel62 viewsI usually leave 1/4 to 1/2 inch of overhang, then trim off the corners. This makes it easier to glue each edge down without getting lumps inthe back, or wrinkles on the front.j.duprie