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IMG_20170402_174928.jpgTOTT Apr 2017 purchases32 viewshere's what I did buy.dlarue

DSC_0772_reduced.jpgShadow Box I62 views25" wide by 22" tall. Nice 12" Diston & Sons and a skewed multi-plane with some blades - Probably a Stanley or Sergeant. Anybody want the tube repair press :0)SomedayForge

Manchester_Times_-_Saturday_15_September_1849.jpg26 viewsbugbear

IMG_20160709_103649.jpgplanes25 viewsogee (Wheeler) and bead (Gleave, Oldham St, Manchester)

13198595_10108237932718614_2374904018658974252_o.jpg20 viewsZach Dillinger

IMG_20150822_174929.jpg2015 Galoot BBQ 296 viewsmy small workbench, so much better than a Workmate(tm).
The thing on the left if the shaving pony we were using to rough our spoon blanks with a small drawknife. I had a couple of dog tie-out stakes and a ratchet strap cinching the bench solidly to the ground.dlarue

IMG_20150822_174932.jpg2015 Galoot BBQ95 viewsRichard, Paula, Craig, Ian, and Matt, mostly busy observing the discussion going on at the workbenchdlarue

IMG_4904-2.jpg55 viewsEstate sale loot - 3/20/15jerkinsj

IMG_20131226_095849.jpggalootaclaus_201324 viewsElf was jim obrian. Three shaker boxes by jim. A center bead plane and a craftsman made sash plane.dhahn

IMG_20130610_134927.jpgNew Anvil Maker's Mark88 viewsThe manufacturer of my new anvil is presently unknown. A bit of research is in order.timpendleton