Search results - "anvil" |

IMG_20160704_165323751.jpgWater tank strap bolts15 viewsfor possibly wrapping an anvil stumpnicknaylo

H1.jpgCrosspeen and plug32 viewsplug from punching the handle hole on the anvil. nicknaylo

jvisewidth.jpgJeweler's Vise - Overall length86 viewsIt's about 7 inches from the head of the vise screw holding the handle to the foot of the screw under the anvil.madwing

IMG_20130610_130755.jpgNew Anvil - Just what SWMBO was hoping for!129 viewsNew freebie anvil. More photos to follow.timpendleton

IMG_20130610_134927.jpgNew Anvil Maker's Mark88 viewsThe manufacturer of my new anvil is presently unknown. A bit of research is in order.timpendleton

Burlington-20120721-00213.jpgCamp Nemo's forge77 viewsOne of our local Scout camps had this old forge and anvil sitting in one of the fields. Unused for decades, Scouter Dave (pictured) and I decided to rehab the forge and get it ready for the Scouts to use. dlarue

holdfastsS.jpgHoldfasts128 viewsTwo for the Woodworking bench, one for the anvil.John Odom

DSCN4297.jpgAnvil Stump crack stapled together42 viewsrough work, forged some staples to hold the stump check at bay. nicknaylo

A-_Extras_Hill_Anvil_rubbing.JPG216 viewsA rubbing trying to better lift the markings off the side of the anvil.TRexF16

A_-_Extras_Hill_1-1-3_Anvil.JPG234 viewsHill Anvil from Birmingham England. These seem to be a bit rare from my on-line research. This on is 1-1-3. I think that's about 143 pounds.TRexF16

Butterfly_hinges_nailed_on_exterior.JPGButterfly hinges nailed on exterior220 viewsI bent the wings of the butterfly hinges to conform to the 6 inch radius of the trunk body. Marked and drilled 3/32 inch pilot holes for the rosehead nails using a recently restored Millers Falls No. 5 drill. I used the 4 pound sledge hammer as an anvil on the outside to clinch the nails on the inside.Sgt42RHR

No_Name_Chisel_Socket_First_Round_of_Shrinking_Belled_End_comp.JPGShrinking on the anvil horn160 viewsOldSneelock