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flea_7_30_11__30.jpg7 30 11's treasures161 viewsA very nifty ladle, a couple oilers, 4 paddle bits, Techno (German) caliper, a power screwdriver attachment by Oster all for $30roy griggs

pattern_makers_plane2.jpgPattern Maker's Plane 2228 views You can see how the shoe attaches to the base. The rear attachment screw is under the tote. writt

IMG_0961.JPGFrog Attachment44 viewsBaily stlye, not the later Bedrock patent, beginning with type 5 in 1911, that allowed advancing the frog without removing the lever cap.TRexF16

PA100039.jpgJust the knife143 viewsNote the cedar block. It was used to provide a "cutting board" surface. The attachment at the present time puts a level blade at about 5" above the horse. Someday a nice "snap on" block will be created. SomedayForge

07_Bowsaw_Twine_Attachment.jpg07 Bowsaw Twine Attachment82 viewsI used nylon mason's twine for tensioning. I'd have preferred something less modern-looking, but this does the trick until something better comes along.Chuck Myers

DSC00128sm.jpgWire String twisting machine159 viewsDetail of string spreader tension pulley attachmentcitternmaker

100_0806.JPGSummer 2008: Record O50 beading chip deflector59 viewsRichard's shiny and very complete O50 with a tongue cutter mounted in it, plus the elusive beading chip deflector. At least that's what it appears to be. I tried the plane with and without this little gizmo and it jammed up quickly without the attachment.dlarue

IMG_0997.JPGBenchtop attachment 2426 viewsWith the bench on its side, you can see how the top is drawn down against the tops of the legs by the homemade bench bolts, and how the top stretcher will, hopefully prevent eventual sag in the otherwise unsupported center of the top.TRexF16

IMG_0992.JPGBenchtop attachment 1334 viewsThis shows how the homemade bench bolts secure the top to the legs. I made the short top stretchers narrow enough to leave a space for the hole for the round brass "nut" to slide in. I considered simply bolting the top down straight through the top stretchers but wanted the draw it tight against the solid 3.75" x 5" top of the legs for maximum rigidity.TRexF16