Search results - "auger" |

Auger_L.jpgAuger full view10 viewsSwiss auger bought at flea market (flohmarkt) in Basel Switzerlandjerkinsj

Auger_R.jpg5 viewsSwiss auger bought at flea market (flohmarkt) in Basel Switzerland

Auger_Tip.jpg5 viewsSwiss auger working end close upjerkinsj

Auger_weld.jpgAuger Weld4 viewsSwiss auger handle loop weldjerkinsj

Auger.jpgAuger3 viewsSwiss auger handle loop with touch markjerkinsj

Russell_Jennings_Auger_Bits.jpgRussell Jennings Auger Bits65 viewsA set of 6 RJ bits in odd sizes to fill in a set. no's 15, 11, 9, 7, 5, and 4. A welcome addition to my harlequin set. All have great lead screws and spurs. in the background a piece of green leather destined to become auger bit roll and a couple of cool old Bicentenial (1776-1976) decals.Brentpmed

IMG_6685.JPGdetail of the older leg vise screw mount38 viewsThis may look a bit rough to some, but it is definitely a cleaner installation than the way it was mounted on my grandfather's 80, 90 or more years main bench. This one works quite wel. With two leg vises on the south end mounted 'in plane', it is quite easy to hold short sections (3-5 ft) of lumber for sawing to a line, although the height isn't ideal. Also very useful for holding items when needing to run round tenons with one of the hollow augers.Charlie Driggs

ship_augers_1.jpgship auger 141 viewsbusiness ends of long augersdlarue

Ship_augers_2.jpgship auger 221 viewsa bunch of very long bitsdlarue

nose_auger_1.jpgNose Auger 122 viewsinside of the cutting edgedlarue

nose_auger_2.jpgNose Auger 220 viewsbusiness end of the bitdlarue

tott_apr_2013_1.JPGtott apr 201329 viewshaul from apr tools of the trade sale.
8 pieces of 5/16 threaded rod, coping saw, pair of M Crannel ogee planes, 3 hacksaw blades, 3 twist bit augers, a rivet setting tool, leather punch, Stanley 63 round bottom shave, cute little boxwood shave, 3 small stones and a ceramic stone.dlarue