Search results - "awl" |

memorial_awl_1.jpgawl 124 viewsinspired by Jim Thompsondlarue

memorial_awl_2.jpgawl 218 viewsAn awl inspired by the Late Great Old Millratdlarue

TGOC_Oct2013_1.jpgTool Group Of Canada Meeting Oct 2013 haul21 viewsI picked up a few things.
Stanley jack rabbet, cute little hammer, reprint catalogue, combination stone, shaker pegs, awl, and dowel pointer from the dealer tables. Boxed stone from silent auction and a wrench and coping saw from the live auction.dlarue

bradawl,_birdcage_awl_and_scribe_1.jpgbradawl,_birdcage_awl_and_scribe121 viewsroy griggs

flea_today_14.jpgA day of little finds197 views12" J. R. Hyde shears
boxwood shave
Yankee No. 15
J Russell and co. ? (Float ?)
no name awl <personal weakness>
Clover Brand Valve grinding compound
1/4" not sure why I bought it chisel
Irwin #22 exp. bit roy griggs

IMG_1302.JPG83 viewsStanley #18 bevel; round file; Millrat Special awl; 6" ex slim saw fileneanderman

No_71.JPGNo 71 & Stanley awl126 views$25 for the router, $1 for the awl
6-19-11roy griggs

036.JPGPiercing Awl94 viewsSmall awl with what looks to be a 30 caliber brass shell as a ferule.OldSneelock

028.JPGMillers Falls & unknown model of Millers falls brace.48 viewsMillers falls unknown model. Missing a pin for the clockwise ratchet pawl. Came with a nail instead of a pin.OldSneelock
galootaclaus_2009_(2).jpgGalootaclaus 2009278 viewsThanks to my Galootaclaus Peter Robinson of Australia for the following great items:
A plastic handled Stanley Phillips head screwdriver converted into a marking awl, a couple of pieces each of Queen's Ebony and curly Jarrah, Sharmanco copy of Record 040, a small dovetail chisel and a copy of The Handyman's Book.jerkinsj
GClaus_Richard_Rombold_(17)_(Medium).jpgHandmade Galootaclaus Gifts241 viewsMarking guages, Awl, pen, marking knives, dove tail guage.tjh12glen

IMG_1950.JPG191 viewsI made this scratch awl from a piece of 1/8" stainless steel rod and a piece of Brazilian rosewood. The ferrule was made from a brass compression nut. I usually use an ice pick shaft for donor steel because it is hardened. This time I wanted a polished stainless shaft. The handle style is something I developed for my antique carving tools after a lot of hit and miss trials.Oldmillrat
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