Search results - "axe" |

2013_2542cs.jpgLignum Vitae104 viewsStanley mallet awaiting repair, Florida slab (waxed), lawn bowlsSchwartz

kent_axes.jpgKent Pattern hatchets33 viewsbugbear

double_rusty.jpgdouble bit axe head I picked up at auction22 viewsThe handle was falling out of the head (or was it the other way around?) Toss the old handle, and make a new one!dlarue

double_shiny.jpgdouble bit axe head with most of the rust removed.20 viewsready to put on the end of a stick.dlarue

100_4456.JPGNot Aladdin's Cave Oct 28 201123 viewsThis is my haul from Stuart's basement, minus the Sandvik axe.dlarue

019.jpgBig Tulip Poplar140 viewsThe 3' or so Poplar in the woods. 42" Disston crosscut saw and axe for scale.Chaz

IMG_1148.JPGAM haul - mostly $1.67 each204 viewsAlmost everything was in the $2 each or 3 for $5 piles. The Adzes cosst $4 for two and $6 for the other. Paid $20 for the Kennedy toolbox. Everything else at $1.67 each. Including, a NB Yankee #1545 drill, Kelly double bit axe marked WPA, Butcher Sheffield 1/2" mortise chisel, Starrett 12" combo square, 2 deep etched Keen Kutter hatchets, 3 plumb hatches (2 are official BSA), Near new plumb broad hatchet,Americax 12" broad axe, unmarked saw vice, stanley 104 finger plane. Too much other to list.TRexF16

606Ccleaned.jpgAfter cleaning91 viewsThis is about as clean as it needs to be. If I really want the plane bed cleaner, I'll soak it in a sink full of Simple Green, and use a green scrubbing pad. All screws cleaned and waxed threads with Parowax, and I waxed both surfaces of the frog bed.madwing

IMG_0660.JPGaxe trio60 viewstop axe is forged, is almost six pounds. Middle axe is a parade axe of Aluminum, with white pine handle, for the fraternal Modern Woodmen of America, was carried in parades pre 1930s. Bottom one stumps me, Montgomery Wards Mastercraft logo, handle sawn short, Never been sharpened, cut away and blade are machined smooth, why?john krau

DSCN3548.JPGChristmas Day Exertions48 viewsfoam mat to kneel on, termite barf board under the edge of stump, bent handle broadaxe to remove the bark for the new anvil stump. nicknaylo

DSCN3549.JPGde barked oak stump 41 viewsused the broadaxe to take the bark off. Termite barf board to save the edge. nicknaylo

DSCN3456.JPGMore from the Cave95 viewsthe foot powered flywheel and broadaxe from earlier in the week, adze head, mushroomed slick, hammer and bradpoint bits nicknaylo