Search results - "bedrock" |

Bedrock604BeforeScaled.jpgBedrock604Before130 viewsBedrock 604 "As Found"saltchuck

Bedrock604AfterScaled.jpgBedrock604After142 viewsBedrock 604 after cleanupsaltchuck

shootbd2.jpgNew shooting board165 viewsI needed a way to clean up the vise chops I'm making in mahogany (I've applied a molding with hollows and rounds to one edge). I had no way to reliably trim cross-grain at 90deg, so I built a shooting board. It's not ramped, yet. It's made from pieces of a late 1950s stereo console; two layers of plywood, the top one having a nice burled/figured ply showing. I've paraffined the ramp, and run it in with a Bedrock 606.madwing

shootbdused.jpgNew shooting board in use.143 viewsAfter running it in (planing the edge without any board on it to create the lip along which the bottom edge of the plane sole rides), I tested it on a cutoff of the mahogany I'd made the edge molding on. My machinist friend, Dave, surface ground the iron of the Bedrock 606, so I have a great edge on it...leading to see-through end-grain shavings that crumble pretty quickly to dust when rubbed between the fingers.madwing

IMG_0961.JPGFrog Attachment44 viewsBaily stlye, not the later Bedrock patent, beginning with type 5 in 1911, that allowed advancing the frog without removing the lever cap.TRexF16

IMG_0952.JPGJuly 17, 2010 Estate Sale finds292 viewsThis is just a small part of the haul from two estate sales today. The total for everything here was 20 bucks. Bedrock 605 1/2, new Marples mortise gauge, new Marples 1" chisel, Norton Hard Translucent Arkansas stone, two Washita stones need lapping, Snow and Nealley PicknHoe, with factory sheath, Berea Rocky River Oilstone as new in tattered box, J.S. Cantelo (Boston) folding draw knife, Berylco non-sparking Beryllium Claw hammer, two as new Bessey F-Clamps, 2 razor hones, 1 square India stone.TRexF16

IMG_0953.JPGBedrock 605 1/2228 viewsThis is the only Bedrock plane I have ever seen in the wild - and it's a nice one. I can't believe it came home with me for six bucks!TRexF16

Bedrock_Frog_Broken_Corner.JPGBedrock Frog Broken Corner44 viewsOldSneelock

Bedrock_Frog_Mounting.JPGBedrock Frog Mounting22 viewsOldSneelock

Bedrock_Lever_Cap_Open.JPGBedrock Lever Cap Open21 viewsOldSneelock

Bedrock_Name_2~0.JPGBedrock Lever Cap21 viewsOldSneelock

Bedrock_Nick_in_Top_of_Tote.JPGBedrock Nick in Top of Tote31 viewsOldSneelock