Search results - "bending" |
20140804_1707ss.jpgBent shear needing adjustment134 viewsAll of the unwanted bending was in one of the two blades.Schwartz
20140812_1722ss.jpgaggressive over-bending115 viewsSchwartz
hingeinforge.jpgGetting the hinge hot96 viewsHeating for bending in the forge.madwing
twocutsshapedhinges.jpgOne hinge, two cuts and a bend.86 viewsAfter bending the strap where it wraps around the gate, I marked it for where the "branch" cuts should terminate, heated it and used my grandfather's hot cut chisel to open up the straps. The branch closest to the hinge has been formed a bit into branch shape, just experimentally.madwing
2013-01-07_22-09-59_549.jpgbending form56 viewssteam bent oak trim, clamped in bending formnicknaylo
steam_bending_jatoba.jpgSteam bending adventures in the kitchen233 viewsbwelch
100_1092.JPGXmas 2008: snowshow form71 viewsRob brought this snowshoe form with him to show us. Apparently, they did almost everything wrong, from grain orientation to cutting mortises prior to bending... If you truly do learn form mistakes, the next set will be perfect!dlarue
hoop_success.jpghoop bending success267 viewsHere is attempt #2, which worked great. Straight grained wood, soaking the wood before steaming, more steam, and bending straps made all the difference.bwelch
hoop_take1.jpgBending (breaking) the hoop329 viewsMany hours of work, destroyed in a matter of seconds. Back to the drawing board on steam bending.bwelch
DSCN2703.jpgbending doug fir bands 96 viewsthe 000, 00 and #1 sized forms split out, but the #2 size bent well nicknaylo
BillGhio-GaryCaron-ExamineHoldfast01-07.JPGBill Ghio & Gary Caron Examine Holdfast103 viewsAfter bending the rod on the jig, we examined it to make sure that the curve and angles were right, further adjustments were made on the anvildaveldr
1mtgMARSGFH-3.jpgDave Leader -- final bending of the curve in his holdfast157 viewsCharlie Rodgers and Mike Darling looking on ...Charlie Driggs