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Leg_placement.jpgDetermining leg placement26 viewsUsing eye and a ruler, trying to figure out best location for legs.jerkinsj
Stanley_45.jpgStanley #45100 viewsStanley #45 gifted to me by my best man's father in law. Paper in Kennedy tool box is fax I sent him back in 1998 with info on the plane after was talked about it during a visit to MA.jerkinsj
Vincennes_tent1_2012.jpg18th century living history demonstration167 viewsWith the exception of the large leather portmanteau under the best on the left and the wooden lantern hanging from the tent pole, I've built by hand all of the furniture and accoutrements. I'm almost finished with a mahogany folding table, the last major piece in this suite.Sgt42RHR
The_Working_Ends.jpgThe Working Ends112 viewsMuch easier to see the differences in the three corn straw mixes provided for testing in this shot. The most tightly packed and best performing example is third from left. The poorest performing, but still effective example is second from left. The other four showed various degrees of difference between the two, although the two on the right end are made the same way.Charlie Driggs
Post_Test_Wear_Evidence.jpgPost-Test Wear Evidence111 viewsthe thick straw example on the bottom performed the best, and showed a little stain of mahogany dust. The thin straw example also worked, but with more effort and time, and a less uniform result. It was apparent that the test only involved part of the face on both.Charlie Driggs
test_folding_cot_leg_mortise_and_tenon.JPG1800 social caricature print: The Carpenter the Best Surgeon170 views"Halloo Young Glewpot-de ye see Jack Junk has Shivered his Timbers--and wee want a Splice here."Sgt42RHR
A_broken_leg_or_the_carpenter_the_best_surgeon.jpg1800 social caricature print: The Carpenter the Best Surgeon244 views"Halloo Young Glewpot-de ye see Jack Junk has Shivered his Timbers--and wee want a Splice here."Sgt42RHR
engraved_on_bet_plane.jpg93 viewsEngraved plane - created and engraved on a bet made in an Irish Pub. Man bragged "I can make you the best infill plane" or something like that. This was his first plane he ever made.jerkinsj
image0086.jpgBest old tool find of the year! 44 viewsfrom Craigslist, 150 lb cast iron forge table with firepot, "Tiger" 990 blower with stand, 50 lb. Columbian leg vise........$50nicknaylo
IMG_0914.JPGQuarter, Nickel, Penny110 viewsFinished widths. The nickel polishes up best. The quarter is a mix of copper and nickel which I do not find attractive.jjl134
034~0.JPGOur Very Best Hatchet32 viewsIt was made in Chicago by the Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co.OldSneelock