Search results - "blade" |

IMG_20170807_130722.jpgmakeshift reamer25 viewstaper reamer turned on pole lathe, using hacksaw blade for the cutter.dlarue

IMG_20170402_113643.jpgskinny 232 viewsthe skate and blade were on the order of 1 mm wide.dlarue

DSC_0772_reduced.jpgShadow Box I62 views25" wide by 22" tall. Nice 12" Diston & Sons and a skewed multi-plane with some blades - Probably a Stanley or Sergeant. Anybody want the tube repair press :0)SomedayForge

DSC_0784_reduced.jpgShadow Box II80 views32" wide by 23" tall. A few nice tools. Stanley No 1 bench plane in upper right corner. Blade stamped L. Bailey in half circle - Patented - Dec 24, 1867 (I think 67).

IMG_20160723_181455152.jpgBlades24 viewsnicknaylo

IMG_20160724_154555.jpghandy tool for wedge mortise layout25 viewsnever used this one in anger before, but wow, it rocks for laying out tusk tenon mortises! The square blade is used to wrap the mortise locations from one face to the other, the bevel dictates the angle.dlarue

big_and_little_Disston_mitre_box_saws.jpgDisston Mitrebox saws116 viewsBoth Disstons, both with 1896-1917 PHILADA medallions. One saw has a 16 inch blade and the other a 28 inch blade. Both cut smoothly and have not been sharpened by me. Both saws were present with their respective mitreboxes.Sgt42RHR

MF_mitre_box_and_saw~0.jpgMillers-Falls #16 1/2 mitre box and Disston saw144 viewsThe mitrebox is completely unmarked but appears to be identical to the Millers Falls #16 1/2 12" model. The saw with with the box when I got it and is a Disston with a 16 inch blade and a 1896-1917 PHILADA medallion. I've not sharpened the saw but it cuts smoothly so that little clean up is required.Sgt42RHR

big_and_little_Disston_mitre_box_saw_handles.jpgMitre box saw handles98 viewsThe smaller of the two is a Disston 16 inch saw blade with a 1896-1917 PHILADA medallion. The larger of the two is a Disston 28 inch saw blade, also with a 1896-1917 PHILADA medallion. The smaller saw is unmarked while the large saw has owner's initials stamped on the handle and the spine. Both saws came with the mitre boxes.Sgt42RHR

IMG_20150826_214807.jpgfinished 23 viewsBLO, old bit of saw blade, and it works fine.dlarue

finds.jpgGarage sale finds July 201530 viewsNifty old panel saw, screw/nail wall chart and jig saw blades. nicknaylo

bottom_view.jpgBottom view27 viewsThis appears to be the bottom view as the corners are not rounded and there is no decorative beading. This view shows the tops of the two threaded thumbscrews that are threaded into the double bevel blade. The extent of the sheet metal and nail repair to the wood around the left thumb screw can be seen.Sgt42RHR
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