Search results - "brace" |

IMG_7278.JPGmy shop's traveling pegboard13 viewsThis storage center has been in my shops in three houses, and supports easily several times its own weight. It is suspended from the floor joists above on two aircraft-style multi strand cables, and should one of those slip, the whole board would only drop less than 1/4" inc onto the benchtop below.
Items on this board include braces, drawshave, perfect handle and cabinetmakers screwdrivers, marking gauges, hand drills, gimlets, try squares, steel rules, metal shears, drill & screw sizing gaugesCharlie Driggs

DecAlameda16.jpgAlameda December 201637 viewsFleaBAGs Alameda haul, IOB beader and T&G planes, side rabbet and razee jack planes, clamps, saws, brace etc. nicknaylo

braces.jpgBrace rack37 viewsA REALLY down and dirty brace rack.bwelch

20140413_1291C.jpgchuck & jaws from MF 1410 brace89 viewsSeems to need a spring to keep jaws open. What would it look like?Schwartz

gazebo1.JPGgazebo 125 viewswhite pine gable trim we made using jigsaw, hole saw, coping saw, and brace & bit. Kathy turned the finials from poplar.dlarue

gazebo2.jpggazebo 220 viewsfinished gables and braces.dlarue

currach2.JPGThe Improbable18 viewsmaiden voyage of Currach Improbable.
Made with a brace & bit and a hatchet.
But you still can't call me a boatbuilder.dlarue

2013_2547cs.jpgNo.106 Fray? ratcheting brace105 viewsNo patent marks, clear impressions of "CT." and "U.S.A." and what looks to me like "J?HN ?R??"Schwartz

IMG_2065.jpgFleabag Generosity265 viewsWe have a guy locally who teaches handtool woodworking to grade school kids. The school's tools are well past worn, and he put out a plea on Craigslist for "... any of these: clamps of different types (particularly smaller ones), block planes, braces for drilling, hand crank drills, drawknives, files and other shaping tools, and maybe a spokeshave or two. Other tools are always appreciated." The Fleabags responded with this.madwing

2012_0134c.jpgMathieson brace bit - for what?153 viewsSchwartz

2012_0135c.jpgMathieson brace bit - side view.62 viewsSchwartz

2012_0136c.jpgMathieson brace bit - tip view159 viewsAbout 1/16in thick at the center, 1/8in thick at the circumference, with a 120 deg. included angle. Hollow ground.Schwartz
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