Search results - "carbide" |

May5.jpgMay 5 2012 garage sale haul41 viewsLate to the sale (2 pm) but still managed to pick up a few cool things. 13 new Nicholson crew-on file handles, 3 hammer handles, a brass & wood caliper rule, Eskiltuna chisel, old knife, some letter & number stamps, and 10 pounds of used carbide cutters. $20. Not too shabby.dlarue

what1b.jpgtip of unknown tool, looks like carbide30 viewsjem1098

After_48_hours_tumbling.jpgPolished Auger Bit120 viewsAfter 48 hours tumbling in walnut shells and 600 grit silicon carbide. Would have been faster with better electrolysis first, and 400 grit. No rounding of edges, but the initially weak Irwin mark is now a lot weaker. jem1098

PICT1257.JPGMy first handle198 viewsI made this burnisher from a carbide rod generously donated by list member TMZ.gstucker

DSC02423.JPGFirst Burnisher172 viewsTony Zaffuto carbide rod in lyptus handle. Ferrule is made from compression nut.Chuck Myers

jt_gltcls_07.jpgjt_gltcls_0747 viewswinged perfect handle, MF automatic screw driver, Tony Z carbide, JT handle, all steel chisel, spalted wood wall decoration. Thanks Jim!Bret Rochotte

PICT0223.JPGTony Zaffuto Carbide Burnisher205 viewsTony Zaffuto's beautiful Galootaclaus '07 burnisher to me his Galootaclaus giver!
Thanks, TonyKen Cutting

PICT0227.JPGGrip it and burnish!104 viewsThanks Tony Zaffuto!Ken Cutting

carbide_burnisher.jpgZaffuto burnisher -- two weeks later, repaired142 viewsTruth time. That piece of plum used to make this handle turned out to be a bit less seasoned than I thought -- went away for a weeks vacation, and when I returned it had a 4" x 1/16" crack down down 80% of the handle, propagating from a little knot. Kerfed out the crack with a saw and 3/32" chisel, patched it with a strip of cherry, shaped the patch to match, and I can use it without getting pinched. Charlie Driggs

DSC00866.JPGCarbide Burnisher159 viewsCarbide scraper burnisher made from a Metaltech special and a coping saw handle.meltsner

Zaffutoburnisher2.jpgAnother Zaffuto carbide burnisher111 viewsHandle turned from a length of ornamental plum, sanded to 400 grit, and waxed / buffed with 000 steel wool. Large handle nearly balances the heavy carbide at the other end. Compare to the well used Veritas (LV) burnisher.
Thank you, Tony!!Charlie Driggs