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IMG_2672_gic.jpgGclaus 2012 - detail32 viewsFrom Marty Reser, big wooden joiner, drawknife, folding yardstick, two triangle files, one chainsaw filedhahn

100_3124.jpg160 viewsTwin screw vice on the upside down bench top. The little nylon bushings are to support the sag in the chain. The screws are 20" apart which turned out to be just right so that the handles never hit each other.Ruby

Some_Previous_Galootaclaus_Gifts.jpgLast five years of Galootaclaus gifts (not all are shown)100 viewsThis isn't a fully complete photo, but it shows the diversity of gifts over four of my years of participation...
2003 was worth every minute of the wait - a Warner & Driggs woodie
2004 Stanley No. 15 try square, and No. 18 bevel gauge; both are well used
2005 Stanley 9-1/2 block plane and an MF chain drill; the comment enclosed leveled me -- a cherished gift
2006 Veritas year: marking gauge, spokeshave kit, striking knife and canvas apron
2007 paper thin turned bowl, tool holders, hand tools bookCharlie Driggs

DSCN2751.jpgoverhand knot in steel62 viewstried this about 3 times before I got it right. Was going to put a keychain loop on the end, but just kept rolling the end around to make this little trinket. nicknaylo

aprl_24_close.jpgaprl_2483 viewshand forged chain and psw mortice chisel, fence streacherBret Rochotte
Hamler_Tools_(Large).jpgHamler Tools96 viewsHere are a few of Paul Hamler's creations. Two miniature versions of the Type 2 Stanley 71 router, a "Slipper" plane, 3 rabbit planes, His newest router plane and an L. Bailey key chain.GalootFrank

100_0815goodell_chain_feed.JPGchain drive106 viewsPair of Goodell&Pratt chain drills on the ends, note the left has a two jaw chuck, the right one takes 1/2" shank, as per post drill.john krau

Darley_07.jpgDarley_07103 viewsSandusky fore plane, Starrett calipers, SW #3, blades,#80 scraper, 2 user-made rounds, leather creases, MF chain drill in cosmolene, repaired #60 shave, saw wrest, graver, scribe, 7 PS&WchiselsBret Rochotte

DSCN2220.JPGSquare and round punches201 viewssquare forged from lug wrench, round is a sharpening steel, tang cut off. block held to the anvil by a weighted chain is my answer to no square edges on the anvil nicknaylo