Search results - "chisel." |

TOTT-Oct-2017-3.jpgTOTT Oct 2017 319 viewsbrutally mangled chisel. I did not buy it despite the $1 price tag.dlarue

Mangled1.jpgmangled chisels29 viewsa sash morticing chisel for working around corners.
and a former socket chisel.

3-32nd_inch_wide_chisel.jpg3-32nd inch wide chisel75 viewsThis is the narrowest chisel I've ever seen, just at 3/32 inch. Only marking is CAST STEEL stamped into the side of the iron near the tang.Sgt42RHR

another_mangled_chisel.jpganother mangled chisel handle28 viewsprice tag was $12 for what was I think a 3/8 firmerdlarue

slotstones.jpgSlotted, triangular sharpening stones184 viewsI picked these up at an estate sale, along with a Pfeil 1/8e carving chisel. They're triangular in cross section, look like hard arkansas and black hard arkansas stones, and each has a v-shaped groove in one edge. They can be easily removed from this holder, and rotated so their flat edges can be worked.madwing

EdFirthChisel.jpgEDWD FIRTH27 viewsmakers markdlarue

garagesalemar2012.jpg1st garage sale of 201236 viewsStumbled upon a garage sale last Sunday (they are always Saturday in these parts). Seven Marples turning chisels, a small facse plate for my lathe, two Marples bench gouges, and one German bevel edge socket chisel. All this and about 10 pounds of screws and nails. Yay!dlarue

pd_chisel.JPGtails first24 viewschiseling out the waste with the REAL pocket dovetailerdlarue

Unknown_Chisel.jpgUnknow Maker145 views1/2 " mortise chisel by ??? Edge Tool Co. starbuck56

031.JPGCracked socket45 viewsI heated the mushroomed area yellow hot and tried to move the metal like I did the first chisel. This one was cracked at the bottom of the mushroomed area and the ring broke free.OldSneelock

No_name_laminated_chisel.JPGNo Name laminated steel chisel. Tool Steel line.181 viewsOldSneelock

TH_Witherby_laminated_steel_chisel.JPGTH Witherby laminated steel chisel32 viewsOldSneelock