Search results - "co." |

2013-06-12_23-05-24_485.jpgGen. Fire. Ext. Co. Vise141 viewsreally big visenicknaylo

l9999_3s.jpgC. T. Co Square Nut driver for brace 118 viewsCincinatti Tool Co., later known as Hargrave. Full marking is (H) 19/32 C.T. CO.No.155
A Specific purpose for this tool is suggested by the same unusual size of two known examples. Discussion begins msg id 233223 of the archives.Schwartz

Screw-Arm_Plough-_W_M_Bailey_Co_#1.jpgScrew-Arm_Plough-_W_M_Bailey_Co #1106 viewsW. M. Bailey & Co were a Chicago Hardware Co. and as such I doubt they actually made the plane. roy griggs

IMG-20120415-00051.jpgoil-stone22 viewsmy new-to-me oil-stone has some writing on the bottom. Looks like "Copeland Ch~~~son Co. Ltd"
Now I'm trying to find out who this was...dlarue

flea_today_14.jpgA day of little finds197 views12" J. R. Hyde shears
boxwood shave
Yankee No. 15
J Russell and co. ? (Float ?)
no name awl <personal weakness>
Clover Brand Valve grinding compound
1/4" not sure why I bought it chisel
Irwin #22 exp. bit roy griggs

Ward___Co__New_York_slitting_gauge-Galootaclaus_2011.jpgWard & Co. New York slitting gauge72 viewsThank you Elf Josh, this is a lovely tool, the fence is true and tight, the blade is polished and razor sharp. I really like the RB initials stamped on each side of the stem. This gauge will fit in nicely with my plans for veneering chests.

P1060651_2.jpgRazor blade plane71 viewsDie-cast metal. The funnel shaped piece screws the cap onto the blade and acts as a horn.Box is marked 3289504 and "Winston Sales Co. ... Chicago.jonjunk

DSCN4097.JPGMilwaukee Grinder & Specialties Co. table 188 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN4094.JPGMilwaukee Grinder & Specialties Co.181 viewsMy new favorite grinder, didn't even know how good it was. nicknaylo

Gclaus2011.jpgGalootaclaus 201098 viewsCincy Tool Co. 1923 cat. reprint (R.K. Smith), Millers Falls 1887 cat. reprint (Astragal), MI's "How To Use Tools" 1952, Woodwork Tools & How to Use Them (1922, Toolemera reprint), Our Workshop (1866, Toolemera reprint)Tom11

casey_cohr.jpgEight Casey & Co. Hollows and Rounds104 viewsA generous gift from my GC Jim O'Brien. All are in fine shape, with good irons and what look to be original wedges. A HUGE push down the slope towards a rack of H&R planes... Thanks, Jim!madwing

034~0.JPGOur Very Best Hatchet32 viewsIt was made in Chicago by the Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co.OldSneelock