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DSC_0784_reduced.jpgShadow Box II80 views32" wide by 23" tall. A few nice tools. Stanley No 1 bench plane in upper right corner. Blade stamped L. Bailey in half circle - Patented - Dec 24, 1867 (I think 67).

Mangled1.jpgmangled chisels29 viewsa sash morticing chisel for working around corners.
and a former socket chisel.

b.jpgModified to 1/8 inch86 viewsAn old Two Cherries 1/4 inch chisel that I reground to 1/8 inch to use in cleaning out the corners in dovetail sockets.Sgt42RHR

IMG_5515.jpgStanley 48, side of box114 viewsYou can see no finger joints, no chestnut, and nails holding glued butt-jointed corners. I believe the wood is poplar.madwing

Massachusetts_low_chest_front_left_oblique_view.jpgLeft oblique view118 viewsThis is a western Massachusetts low chest, more plain and primitive than a Boston-made version. I used Moser's Honey Amber Maple waterborne aniline dye to get the color of aged maple. I applied a single coat of gloss wiping varnish after applying the dye. Next, I applied five coats of one-pound cut amber shellac. I then carefully applied and scrubbed away with mineral spirits a dark glaze in the fillets, corners, etc. to accentuate the moulding details. Last a sixth coat of one-pound cut amber shellac.Sgt42RHR

Virginia_corner_cabinet1.jpgEastern shore of Virginia corner cabinet171 viewsI began this two years ago in a class with Lonnie Bird at the Lonnie Bird School of Fine Woodworking, and just got back to finishing it up. While most Eastern shore of Virginia corner cabinets were painted pine, a few were made in walnut. These were typically build by finish carpenters rather than joiners. These carpenters used elements they were familiar with in building homes in the Eastern shore. Glazed doors, arched top doors, raised panel doors, strong bases, fluted pilasters, set-back capitals, etSgt42RHR

waist_moulding_and_flutes.jpgWaist moulding and flutes130 viewsThe fluted pilasters in this piece are frequent details in Eastern shore of Virginia corner cabinets. The curve of each flute is reversed at the bottom which adds interest and helps direct the eye upward to the set-back capital and cornice.Sgt42RHR

bottom_door_arched_top.jpgArched top bottom doors92 viewsRaised panel and arched top raised panels are common features on Eastern shore Virginia corner cabinets.Sgt42RHR

Glazed_door_arched_top.jpgArched top glazed door79 viewsArched top glazed doors were a common feature on Eastern shore Virginia corner cabinets. Sgt42RHR

Skewed_Chisels.jpgSkew Chisels67 viewsA pair of skew chisels made from a Stanley and a Buck Brothers. These will be great for cleaning out dovetails and inside cornersBrentpmed

bottom_view.jpgBottom view27 viewsThis appears to be the bottom view as the corners are not rounded and there is no decorative beading. This view shows the tops of the two threaded thumbscrews that are threaded into the double bevel blade. The extent of the sheet metal and nail repair to the wood around the left thumb screw can be seen.Sgt42RHR

top_view.jpgTop View20 viewsThis is looking down on what seems to be the top or show surface of this tool. The corners are rounded, and a decorative groove is worked along each edge the length of the tool. In this view, the spring arm assembly can be seen with the spring screwed to the side and anchored on the right end by a pivot screw. An unthreaded thumb peg is seen on the other end of the assembly. A steeply sloping chamfer is cut forming what appears to be the exit as it falls away from the edge of the blade.Sgt42RHR