Search results - "countersink" |

015~0.JPGCountersink Screwdrivers large and small43 viewsOldSneelock

DSCN3136.JPGGalootaclaus 2008!!!101 viewsVery neat collection of tools from Galootaclaus. a LOWENTRAUT inside outside caliper (don't know why I had Ibbotson on the brain), hand forged knife, square tang countersink, beefy screwdriver, a Greenlee turning gouge (my first named turning tool)and what was described as a "round knife blank" that I must investigate further.
Thanks Galootaclaus, great gifts for the shop. nicknaylo

IMG_1036.JPGChip repair 1194 viewsWhile I had the top upside down on the scrounged table, I used its end dog hole along with a holdfast to hold the legs and stretchers while I mortised and planed them. When I flipped the top over to mount it on the finished base I saw there had been some chipping due to the lack of any countersinking or chamfering around the hole, so I needed to fix it...TRexF16

Countersink_End.jpg155 viewsStanley Countersink endgalootgary

Stanleycountersink.jpg146 viewsStanley Bitstock Countersink found at a garage salegalootgary