Search results - "drawknife" |

galootmas2.jpgDelights from Walter30 viewsCandle holders he made himself, and a similarly sourced chisel holder, Witherby chisel and a drawknife both sturdy and ready for the home. Sweetly shaped mallet, curvy wrench (I'd not seen one of these before) and an oil can for obvious uses.curt seeliger

cherryspoon.jpgcherry spoon 22 viewsroughed out with a drawknife, finished with a Mora and a Pinewood Forge hook knife.
Will let it dry a bit before putting the finishing touches on it.dlarue

IMG_20150822_174929.jpg2015 Galoot BBQ 296 viewsmy small workbench, so much better than a Workmate(tm).
The thing on the left if the shaving pony we were using to rough our spoon blanks with a small drawknife. I had a couple of dog tie-out stakes and a ratchet strap cinching the bench solidly to the ground.dlarue

20130910_2809ss.jpgElmwood splitting maul ready for duty72 viewsShaped with drawknife, crosscut saw, wide splitting chisel, firmer chisel, spokeshave, chisel hammer & a large rasp.Schwartz

smith_and_son_drawknife.jpgSmith and son drawknife51 viewsdwittner

swann_drawknife.jpgJames Swann drawknife46 viewsdwittner

noble_mfg_drawknife.jpgnoble drawknife18 viewsdwittner

Picture_001_cr~0.jpg27 viewsThe entire haul. You can see the fauns foot handle on the hatchet, along with the whole saw jointer, as well as the quick and dirty handles some one attached to the Perfect Handle drawknife.galootgary

Picture_004.jpg16 viewsYou can kind of make out the "HA" mark here, part of "Perfect Handle" on the drawknife.galootgary

IMG_2672_gic.jpgGclaus 2012 - detail32 viewsFrom Marty Reser, big wooden joiner, drawknife, folding yardstick, two triangle files, one chainsaw filedhahn

IMG_2674_gic.jpggclaus 2012 from Marty Reser32 viewsBig ass wooden joiner, folding yardstick, drawknife, 3 files, 4 booksdhahn

2012-04-01_21-14-52_454-2.jpgUnusual folding handle drawknife42 viewssliding buttons on the handles open and close joint. nicknaylo