Search results - "drivers" |

IMG_7278.JPGmy shop's traveling pegboard13 viewsThis storage center has been in my shops in three houses, and supports easily several times its own weight. It is suspended from the floor joists above on two aircraft-style multi strand cables, and should one of those slip, the whole board would only drop less than 1/4" inc onto the benchtop below.
Items on this board include braces, drawshave, perfect handle and cabinetmakers screwdrivers, marking gauges, hand drills, gimlets, try squares, steel rules, metal shears, drill & screw sizing gaugesCharlie Driggs

IMG_20160123_133826404.jpgDrivers24 viewsnicknaylo

Stanley_Workmasters.jpgStanley Workmaster screwdrivers ca.1970-1980128 viewsEven though they're plastic, these handles are tremendous!Schwartz

w1.JPGW34 viewsCollection of small, plastic handled drivers. These work, but are ugly. Two Yankee Handyman No 233H and a nameless drill with no bits. $1curt seeliger

100_4611.JPGFeb 11 2012 auction haul53 viewsHere's my haul. 4 braces, 5 screwdrivers, two hand drills, a MF saw blade punch, and a Stanley #46 skew combination plane. dlarue

sept__2011_last_022.JPGpocket multitool126 viewsPocket knife size multi tool. There is a spring loaded keeper in the end and the side. Tack hammer/tack puller, 3 screwdrivers, and quarter inch auger bit. Japanese markings, believed to be a WWII bring-back. The Swiss Army is the Tinker. john krau

015~0.JPGCountersink Screwdrivers large and small43 viewsOldSneelock

screwdrivers_and_a_pad_saw.JPGScrewdirvers--on left158 viewsI used some scrap cherry to make a rack for my screwdrivers (turnscrews?). It's also a temporary home for my restored pad saw which is still looking for its own home.Sgt42RHR

IMG_0945.JPGJuly 10th Estate Sale Haul447 viewsAll out of the "$2.00 each or 3 for $5.00" box. Eggbeater complete with full set of fluted bits, couple Craftsman screwdrivers, two putty knives with rosewood handles, brass rivets, and pewter bolsters (I already cleaned one up), Carborundum 109 stone in box, large Buck Bros. in-cannel gouge, triangular scraper, Heller Vixen file, Stanley, PEXTO, and Union socket chisels, set of four completely new Marples bench chisels w/ ash hnadles - 1, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4; folding drawknife, two wire wheels, Stanley #75.TRexF16

Toolbox_4.jpgCloseup of chisel, auger, misc block338 viewsThis is designed to hold seven auger bits, four chisels, and a couple of screwdrivers. The rest of the items are varied as to what the person wantsSam Peterson

DSCN3455.JPGrest of the haul108 views5 more set tools, fray wimble brace, ratchet auger handle, nut drivers for a brace, mortar/Pestle in cast iron, couple of marking gauges, big Monarch Vise and my very first plumb bob. nicknaylo

bits2.jpgBox of Stanley replacement parts for Yankee drills and Screwdrivers71 viewsjem1098
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