Search results - "dunlap" |
jan_11_007.JPGmy user planes75 viewsmy set of user planes. Bailey, Capewell, Dunlap, and Unknowns. Sure glad the plane bug has not bit. john krau
dunlapchest.JPGDunlap machinist chest117 viewsFor a buck.. can't have too many of these even if not in the best of shape. Hey, all the drawers work!jim.esten
Dunlap_Post_Drill.JPGDunlap Post Drill168 viewsGot this, which seems complete & working, and a #12 cast iron dutch oven (the kind with legs and a lipped top for camp cooking) both for $20. Score!TRexF16
Dunlap_Model_No_.JPGDunlap Post Drill Model number123 viewsTRexF16
Dunlap_Label.JPGDunlap Post Drill label77 viewsTRexF16
Olivewood_tray.jpgOlivewood tray170 viewstray made in the style of Dunlap cabinetmakers utilizing local (Livermore, CA) harvested olivewood jerkinsj