Search results - "easel" |

dec__10_009.JPGeasel, Christmas gift to daughter 2010,77 viewsMade this easel from pallet wood, following a picture in a catalog. Hand tools only. john krau

BirdA.jpgNew and Improved125 viewsWeasel ( yarn winder) calibrated to make a "Pop" every 200 yards of yarn. The spinner then makes a knot in the yarn and continues to turn the weasel until all her yarn is measured.
I made this one with the gearbox as a birdhouse with a removable roof, so you could look at the works.
Entirely of tulip poplar, excepting gears. The hub is a turned section of tree limb. The dark wood is the pretty heartwood of the tulip tree,
The little Red Bird is cherry, of course.
Poly finish.

Firs4t~0.jpgWeasel205 viewsTulip poplar arms. Cherry gears. White oak base. Cherry box.arne97

Firs4t.jpgWeasel105 viewsCherry, white oak, tulip poplararne97