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IMG_4904-2.jpg55 viewsEstate sale loot - 3/20/15jerkinsj

Rayshop.jpgMomentos from Ray's Shop28 viewsRay's been gone more than 5 yrs now, his widow had an estate sale, I grabbed a few things to put in my shop. nicknaylo

pinkstone.jpgPink, hard sharpening stone169 viewsI picked this up at an estate sale, with the triangular stones. It's remarkably hard, and polishes very much like a hard arkansas stone. I don't know if it's natural (I've never seen this color before in nature) or man-made, but it puts a nice polished, sharp edge on steel.madwing

slotstones.jpgSlotted, triangular sharpening stones184 viewsI picked these up at an estate sale, along with a Pfeil 1/8e carving chisel. They're triangular in cross section, look like hard arkansas and black hard arkansas stones, and each has a v-shaped groove in one edge. They can be easily removed from this holder, and rotated so their flat edges can be worked.madwing

IMG_3442.jpgThe chisels111 views15 lathe chisels (mostly Buck Bros.), seven crank-necked parers (Buck Bros.), 4 crank-necked gouges (Buck Bros.), a Buck and a Greenlee paring chisel with a Buck gouge between, and three Herring Bros. gouges at the bottom; these were all from a patternmaker's estate. The roll at the top is a set of 17 Beevel (Germany) carving chisels, a leather hammer, and an India stone slip; these came from another seller.madwing

IMG_3443.jpgThe rest of the haul165 viewsFrom the estate of a patternmaker. A Type 13 3c, two low angle blocks, a bunch of files, some square shanked twist drills, and other cool stuff.madwing

Oakville-20121012-00403.jpgestate sale oct 201249 viewsone of the few real estate sales I have seen in our area. Managed to get in grab some juk and get out in time to pack for camping trip..dlarue

haul_08242012.jpgFriday's Haul255 viewsHaul from local estate sale. Clockwise from upper left - Craftsman inside caliper/divider (7"), white/grey sharpening stone in holder, Simpson bastard file, Pike #1 Washita stone in box, Starrett inside caliper/divider (5"), Stanley socketed chisel, What's-it with horn handlejerkinsj

Estate_Atkins_No_54__a.jpgshears, on the left...Wiss???114 viewsNO...I don't have a problem...roy griggs

028~0.JPGThe Summers Automatic Shoe & Harness Repair Outfit124 viewsMy mother bought these at my Great Uncle Garlands Estate Sale. Everything was piled in the box.OldSneelock

DSC03022.jpgRust Hunting in Georgia - July Estate Sale49 views1. Rosewood, brass bound level. Marked Stratton Brothers, Greenfield Mass dated late 1800s.
2. Two rosewood handled gouges.
3. Two Split-nut Tenon Saws (one at about 15 tpi, the other around 12) marked Sheffeld England
4. Large Starrett compass
5. The rest are non-hand tools relatedjohnnyapollo

BR_5_5.JPGEstate sale picture356 viewsThe plane I got up so early to go look at is on the table in the lower right 0f the photo. Zooming in, it looked like a "low" rosewood knob, and compared to the splitting wdege next to it, looked a bit wide like it might be a 4 1/2.TRexF16