Search results - "ferrule" |

20140806_1713ss.jpgW. Butcher gouge101 viewstapered spigot with no ferruleSchwartz

20140815_1728ss.jpgnew ferrule coing up!132 viewsgouge and brass fitting mounted to Handy collett chuck, shaped dowel in existing tang holeSchwartz

20140815_1734ss.jpgW. Butcher converted for turning150 viewsnew ferrule turned from a brass 1in x 3/4in plumbing adapterSchwartz

Pad_saw_-_about_14_inches_long.JPGEbony and brass pad saw167 viewsHandle appears to be ebony, the overall length is about 14 inches, although it appears that some of the tip of the blade is broken off. The screw securing the brass ferrule to the handle is oversize and appears to be a modern replacement. The blade is surprisingly sharp.Sgt42RHR

Compression_Nut_Ferrule.JPGLondon Pattern w/ Compression Nut Ferrule92 viewsA poplar handle with turned-down compression nut for a ferrule. Basically the same diameter as the Lee Valley, but quite a bit shorter. Walls are a lot thicker than the LV, so it will be a lot stronger. I'm not sure how the length works with the other proportions, though.Chuck Myers

Flare_Nut_Ferrule.JPGLondon Pattern w/ Flare Nut Ferrule92 viewsWood is poplar. Like the compression nut, this is a much more substantial ferrule than the Lee Valley. OTOH, it's probably overkill wrt strength. The length seems in better overall proportion than the compression nut, and I think I like the taper better than the LV cylinder.Chuck Myers

Variations_Side-by-Side.JPGLondon Pattern Variations139 viewsThree variations on a theme. At top is lyptus handle with 1" ferrule sold by Lee Valley. Center is poplar handle using 5/8" (1" OD) compression nut. Bottom is poplar using 5/8" (also 1" OD) flare nut. There are also a few subtle differences in proportion. I'm still trying to decide which look appeals to me most.Chuck Myers

DSC04029.JPGFile Handle Lineup182 viewsJust for fun, here are all the handles involved in this little adventure. At top is the boxwood handle available from Lee Valley that I used as "inspiration." Below that are the two London pattern handles I made from lyptus, with the second handle mounted on the file. At bottom is the first (in this exercise) handle I made from purpleheart. Ferrules for the lyptus handles are the 1" size sold by Lee Valley. That for the purpleheart handle used to be a flare nut.Chuck Myers

DSC04027.JPGLondon Pattern Pattern118 viewsHere's the handle next to the original that served as the basic pattern. This is one of the boxwood handles that Lee Valley sells. (The ferrule I used for this is also available there . SOTSD) Since this handle isn't intended for striking, I elected to make the handle the same length as the original but with a simple round over (rather than a knob) on the top end to make for a more comfortable grip when filing. I like the way it feels in the hand, so I suppose the experiment was at least a partial success.Chuck Myers

DSC03830.JPGExperimental London Pattern Handles161 viewsI tried several options while deciding on the final handle design for the Two Cherries handles. This was one design, which combined leather washer on the striking end with ferrules made from two different sizes of flare nut. I decided against the flare nuts because they wouldn't accommodate the chisel tangs very well. Don't recall why I abandoned the leather idea, other than maybe I didn't have enough leather on hand at the time. Not a bad look as I revisit it. Maybe I'll use it for future tools.Chuck Myers

DSC04021.JPGPurpleheart File Handle188 viewsThis is a really basic file handle, or at least the turning is. I bought a new mill file and needed a handle for it. Found a piece of purpleheart scrap that would serve the purpose, though it was a little smaller than I would have preferred. Sometimes you just have to live with the dimensions the wood gives you. Ferrule is made from 5/8" flare nut.Chuck Myers