Search results - "file" |

IMG_6316.JPGshaping top chair rail - includes shot of profile scraper36 viewsjerkinsj

IMG_6317.JPGChair top rail - shaped - side profile39 viewsjerkinsj

Millers_Falls_no__2-01_Taylor_backsaw.jpgMillers Falls no. 2-01 and Taylor Backsaw67 viewsA great Millers Falls Egg Beater in a size that I didn't already own, A little clean up and lube and she'll be working great. A project Taylor backsaw which has been de-rusted. Teeth to be jointed, filed and sharpened. I will keep the cross-cut filing, clean up the handle and blue the back. This will make a nice carcass sawBrentpmed

IMG_20150825_191042.jpgroughing out the escapement20 viewsusing a selection of files to make the escapement.
start with a coarse round file, then a milled-tooth file, then a bastard, a mill file, and finally a second cut.dlarue

handle_filing.JPGhandle filing94 viewsGetting the curve right across the handle was time consuming. curving those saw-toothed ridges in an arc was a challenge for me. all of the work was done with files and rasps. Brentpmed

IMG-20150514-00378.jpgprofile scrapers24 viewscopies of tools from viking age finds

gc2014.jpgFrom my GC, Rudy Desjardins80 viewsA great haul, from left: the "American Blacksmithing, Toolsmiths' and Steelworkers' Manual" by Holmstrom and Holford, a pre-Bahco Öberg 14" single-cut smooth mill file, a 1" Keen Kutter firmer chisel re-handled by James Thompson (the old Millrat), and a vintage Marples & Sons 3/8" outcannel gouge. Thanks, Rudy!madwing

dam_marking_knife.JPGDamascus Marking Knife36 viewsscrap of damascus steel (ebay)
tine from a shed antler
mix with some time, epoxy, drill, files, and sharpening gear, et voila!

IMG_3443.jpgThe rest of the haul165 viewsFrom the estate of a patternmaker. A Type 13 3c, two low angle blocks, a bunch of files, some square shanked twist drills, and other cool stuff.madwing

jvisejaws.jpgJeweller's vise - jaw width57 viewsThe jaws are 2.5" wide, and pretty well lined up. They move smoothly. I might draw file them just to clean up the faces.madwing
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