Search results - "flywheel" |

first.JPGTreadle lathe version 3,maybe 3.4208 viewsself contained flywheel, construction lumber frame, 30's era lathe, rope drive belt. nicknaylo

DSCN3456.JPGMore from the Cave95 viewsthe foot powered flywheel and broadaxe from earlier in the week, adze head, mushroomed slick, hammer and bradpoint bits nicknaylo

flywheel_cleaned.JPG21 inch pedal flywheel141 views64 lbs, marked only Patented April 14, 1898. the start of Treadle Lathe Concept #3nicknaylo

Lathe_1.jpgFull view of lathe90 viewsThis is early in the build, before the flywheel, headstock, treadle, etc.. was completely done.Sam Peterson

RioGrinder.jpgPeddle power grinder209 viewsTaken on the street in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2007. It is set up for elektrickery or foot power, as available. To move, the operator tips the whole thing onto the flywheel, and pushes it along the street, announcing his coming with a godawful whistle.Tom11

DSCN2873.jpgAlameda Haul, August '08, the full tailgate.103 viewsincluding some non relevant vinyl, a pukey duck that Bill found as we were walking in, sawvise, tongs, cast iron flywheel as well as some trade items that swapped trunks in the parking lot. nicknaylo

DSC00162-sm.JPG48" Wheel313 viewsFirst test fit of the 48" flywheel for my early string-twisting machine. The wheel still needs draw-boring & pegging, grooving, iron bands on the hub, and some cosmetic work. The hub is American Sycamore, spokes are White Oak, and the felloes (fellies) are Beech. Some of the counterweights for the machine can be seen above the 8 O'Clock spoke.citternmaker

lathe_base2.jpgLathe base assembled174 viewsThe base is assembled, the flywheel attached, and a temporary treadle arm has been added to se how it works. It wobbles, but it does work.bwelch

flywheel2.jpgFlywheel--step 2103 viewsFlywheel is now somewhat closer to a circle. Bronze sleeve bearings have been inserted and groove for the belt is 1/2 done.bwelch

flywheel1.jpgFlywheel--step 1127 viewsHere's the flywheel after gluing up the boards (some HEAVY hardwood that I got free from my BIL). That is red paint, not blood, on the wood.bwelch

100_0763flywheels2.JPGflywheels, watchmakers lathe128 viewsMore auction finds. Foot powered flywheels. Wheels approx. 18 inches dia. All cast iron and heavy. One in rear is powered by a foot pedal and crank. the right one has an actual stirrup, and the left one has a roller that pushes a cam. It weighs at least 75 lbs. The Chicago Watch Tool Co. embossed on legs. Used to power the watchmakers lathe.john krau
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