Search results - "grip" |

IMG_20170225_223915.jpgpower grip42 viewsend grip for rough work, when you want to hog off a lot of wood.dlarue

IMG_20170225_223903.jpgchoking up36 viewsupper grip area, choking up on the tool for detail workdlarue

spoon_horse.jpgspoon horse16 viewsan accessory for the shaving horse - for gripping spoonsdlarue

LodiSawVise2.jpgBench grips on Lodi Saw Vise24 viewsnicknaylo

Button-1.jpg177 viewsIvory Mortgage Button before install. Made from an old pistol grip that was cracked.Ruby

larrysknobandtote.jpgKnob & Tote290 views This is from a Stanley #7 type 17. They have been stripped and polished to P400. The tote has been slightly reshaped for a more appealing look and a more comfortable grip. writt

DSC00486.JPGSmall Brace42 viewsThe broken off bit of drill bit was clamped in the v at the tip of the chuck jaws. It was very secure. I had to pad the chuck and grip it in a vise to unlock it.OldSneelock

P6090133_s.jpgFroe Whacker completed162 viewsFroe Whacker after chiseling down for a handle and spokeshaved a bit for a smoother gripdpearce

DSC04027.JPGLondon Pattern Pattern118 viewsHere's the handle next to the original that served as the basic pattern. This is one of the boxwood handles that Lee Valley sells. (The ferrule I used for this is also available there . SOTSD) Since this handle isn't intended for striking, I elected to make the handle the same length as the original but with a simple round over (rather than a knob) on the top end to make for a more comfortable grip when filing. I like the way it feels in the hand, so I suppose the experiment was at least a partial success.Chuck Myers
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