Search results - "hacksaw" |

IMG_20170807_130722.jpgmakeshift reamer25 viewstaper reamer turned on pole lathe, using hacksaw blade for the cutter.dlarue

IMG_20151003_091851.jpgMF Hacksaw at TGOC Oct 2015122 viewsTool Group meeting Oct 2015 MF hacksawdlarue

IMG_20150825_184439.jpgblock23 viewsmouth block cut from a bronze bar with a hacksawdlarue

Flea_Haul.JPGFlea Market Haul102 viewsA very successful ad hoc trip. Stearns cabinet scraper, Union hacksaw and two smithing tools lead the parade, along with some nice old automobile wrenches, miscellaneous hammers and other odds and ends.jjl134

Picture_003~0.jpg15 viewsE.C. Atkins 9" cast iron hacksaw.galootgary

Picture_003.jpg12 viewsCat iron 9" hacksaw made by E.C. Atkins.galootgary

tott_apr_2013_1.JPGtott apr 201329 viewshaul from apr tools of the trade sale.
8 pieces of 5/16 threaded rod, coping saw, pair of M Crannel ogee planes, 3 hacksaw blades, 3 twist bit augers, a rivet setting tool, leather punch, Stanley 63 round bottom shave, cute little boxwood shave, 3 small stones and a ceramic stone.dlarue

GPSaw.jpgQuest tool-GP Hacksaw121 viewsA Goodell Pratt #1 Bench Saw. In rough but ready shape.

pewter_mold.jpgpewter mold36 viewshunk of soapstone someone gave me (it was going in the trash otherwise, so how could I say no?). Cut in half, 30 seconds with a hacksaw. Use a forstner bit in the post drill to rough out the circle, followed by a very poor effort at carving a fleur-de-lis.dlarue

Shapleigh__meat_saw.jpgShapleigh Meat Saw ?85 viewshacksaw blade temporairlyroy griggs

perfect_handle_hack_saw10.JPGTool hound with perfect handle hacksaw.47 viewsBobL

hacksaw_001.JPGKlein (?) hacksaw103 views The plastic handle once had logo's but they are so mauled no chance of reading them. I removed the black electrical tape covering on the handle for the picture, I'll replace it now!roy griggs