Search results - "handle" |

Auger_weld.jpgAuger Weld4 viewsSwiss auger handle loop weldjerkinsj

Auger.jpgAuger3 viewsSwiss auger handle loop with touch markjerkinsj

IMG_7278.JPGmy shop's traveling pegboard13 viewsThis storage center has been in my shops in three houses, and supports easily several times its own weight. It is suspended from the floor joists above on two aircraft-style multi strand cables, and should one of those slip, the whole board would only drop less than 1/4" inc onto the benchtop below.
Items on this board include braces, drawshave, perfect handle and cabinetmakers screwdrivers, marking gauges, hand drills, gimlets, try squares, steel rules, metal shears, drill & screw sizing gaugesCharlie Driggs

IMG_20170225_223925.jpgnew handle36 viewsnew handle on my carving hatchet, and a couple of spoon blanks roughed out.dlarue

Galootaclaus_tools.jpg2016 Tools from Galootaclaus98 viewsUnmarked spoke shave, Pexto chisel, Buck Brothers chisel, unmarked cast steel narrow chisel, spoon bit, and a block of dense wood that will be perfect for scales for knife or tool handles.Sgt42RHR

ArmstrongPipe.jpgArmstrong #2 Die Set40 viewsview without the pipe handles and the giant pipe cutter that came with nicknaylo

IMG_20160723_180820248.jpgHandle 322 viewsnicknaylo

IMG_20160723_180828922.jpgHandle 223 viewsnicknaylo

IMG_20160723_181043344.jpgHandle 123 viewsnicknaylo

another_mangled_chisel.jpganother mangled chisel handle28 viewsprice tag was $12 for what was I think a 3/8 firmerdlarue

Millers_Falls_no__2-01_Taylor_backsaw.jpgMillers Falls no. 2-01 and Taylor Backsaw67 viewsA great Millers Falls Egg Beater in a size that I didn't already own, A little clean up and lube and she'll be working great. A project Taylor backsaw which has been de-rusted. Teeth to be jointed, filed and sharpened. I will keep the cross-cut filing, clean up the handle and blue the back. This will make a nice carcass sawBrentpmed

IMG_0715.JPGMoxon vise 42 viewsThis is build to drop into the dog holes along the east edge of the bench. With a 20" opening between the screws and a 6" capacity, it can handle most all drawer boxes I would likely work on as well as any dovetail joints.Charlie Driggs
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