Search results - "hatchet" |

IMG_20170225_223925.jpgnew handle36 viewsnew handle on my carving hatchet, and a couple of spoon blanks roughed out.dlarue

Hatchets.jpgcarving hatchets20 viewsThese are my carving hatchets.
Little one is a James Smart Brockville product.
Larger one has a makers mark that I don't recognize.dlarue

IMG_20150822_170850.jpg2015 Galoot BBQ 499 viewsCraig showing off his favourite hatchet.

GalootBBQ2013_1.JPG2013 Galoot BBQ hackers49 viewsHarry and Dan exercising their hatchet skills.dlarue

currach2.JPGThe Improbable18 viewsmaiden voyage of Currach Improbable.
Made with a brace & bit and a hatchet.
But you still can't call me a boatbuilder.dlarue

Picture_001_cr~0.jpg27 viewsThe entire haul. You can see the fauns foot handle on the hatchet, along with the whole saw jointer, as well as the quick and dirty handles some one attached to the Perfect Handle drawknife.galootgary

Picture_006.jpg14 viewsVancamp Hardware mark on shingling hatchetgalootgary

kent_axes.jpgKent Pattern hatchets33 viewsbugbear

spoon2.jpgchilli spoon 26 viewsI hacked this out with a hatchet, sheath knife, and crook knife at our winter Scout camp. We used it to stir and serve the chilli.dlarue

100_0155.JPG2010 pumpkin carving with a hatchet26 viewsdlarue

034~0.JPGOur Very Best Hatchet32 viewsIt was made in Chicago by the Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co.OldSneelock
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