Search results - "hay" |
IMG_3652.jpgThe six objects within the tight wrappings were these .. 70 viewstwo versions of what I expect are hot sauce, and very hot sauce; a small box from Lee Valley and a device within not seen before by this Galoot; three large chunks of dogwood wood (is there a rhyme tied to that somewhere?), Michael Dunbar's Federal Furniture book in hardcover, and one of the Charles Hayward series on period furniture, this volume on the English breeds of the speciesCharlie Driggs
shop0001.jpgMakin' Hay65 viewswith the Alameda scythe. Little haystack, half the yard done. Tired...nicknaylo
Hay-gluepot.jpgHay Glue pot176 viewsHay Cabinet Shop at Colonial Williamsburg, c. 1997. Glue pot on trivet, heated with an oil lamp, as used by the harpsichord maker.citternmaker
Hay-1-sm.jpgHay Shop189 viewsHay cabinet shop, Williamsburg trip 1997citternmaker
Hay-2-sm.jpgHay Shop 219 viewsHay cabinet shop, Williamsburg trip 1997citternmaker
HookTool.JPGHook Tool104 viewsForged from an old hay rake tine.dlarue
Williamsburg-veneer.jpgWilliamsburg Veneer Saw459 views2-man veneer saw in the Hay shop at Colonial Williamsburg.citternmaker
Hay_Truck.jpgGaloot Frank and Hay Truck75 viewsPicture of me and my pickup when I was younger and still had hair.GalootFrank