Search results - "joiner" |

joinery_small.jpgjoinery28 viewsyou can see the peg through the M&T jointdlarue

Chair_back_support_joinery_sm.jpgView of mortises for seat back support30 viewsjerkinsj

Virginia_corner_cabinet1.jpgEastern shore of Virginia corner cabinet171 viewsI began this two years ago in a class with Lonnie Bird at the Lonnie Bird School of Fine Woodworking, and just got back to finishing it up. While most Eastern shore of Virginia corner cabinets were painted pine, a few were made in walnut. These were typically build by finish carpenters rather than joiners. These carpenters used elements they were familiar with in building homes in the Eastern shore. Glazed doors, arched top doors, raised panel doors, strong bases, fluted pilasters, set-back capitals, etSgt42RHR

IMG-20150513-00320.jpgcarved after assembly again20 viewsyou can see where the two layers of wood shifted.
were the joiner and carver two different jobs?
two different people perhaps?dlarue

IMG_0368.JPGcloseup16 viewspeering closely with a flashlight to see the joinery details.
what a weirdo, eh?dlarue

IMG_2672_gic.jpgGclaus 2012 - detail32 viewsFrom Marty Reser, big wooden joiner, drawknife, folding yardstick, two triangle files, one chainsaw filedhahn

IMG_2674_gic.jpggclaus 2012 from Marty Reser32 viewsBig ass wooden joiner, folding yardstick, drawknife, 3 files, 4 booksdhahn

Linen_lining_installed_and_trimmed-ready_for_the_leather.JPGExterior lining trimmed and ready for leather204 viewsNext step is to adhere the 2-3 ounce black leather to the trunk body--thereby hiding the really nice joinery that went into making this trunk!Sgt42RHR

18th_Century_Packing_Crate_finished.JPG18th Century Packing Crate211 viewsBased on a 19th century example found in the reprinted book The Joiner and Cabinet Maker, Earle and I made these crates to use in our camp impressions.Sgt42RHR

IMG_2973.JPGSide rails to end hoop, joinery detail53 viewsCharlie Driggs

IMG_0206.JPGJoinery - Legs148 viewsGlued and wedged with the same Goncalo Alves as the head (same wedge material on my workbench and sawbench too).TRexF16

IMG_0208.JPGJoinery - Treadle151 viewsSlightly non-standard tusk-tennon since the main mortise and tennon cheeks are at an 80 degree angle to the arm, so the tusk has to have its bearing face cut at that angle too.TRexF16