Search results - "jointer" |

Picture_001_cr~0.jpg27 viewsThe entire haul. You can see the fauns foot handle on the hatchet, along with the whole saw jointer, as well as the quick and dirty handles some one attached to the Perfect Handle drawknife.galootgary

Picture.jpg16 viewsSimonds saw jointer, closeup of the scale. There are 2 thumbscrews that hold the sliding sheet metal piece. There are no marks on either side of the sheet metal to correcspond with the scale, but it is obvious that the pieces go together.
No patent dates anywhere so I cn't look that up either.galootgary

cherryjointer.jpgcherry jointer44 views30 inch jointer made with junker Stanley hardware plus a threaded insert. Dead Easy.dlarue

jan_11_007.JPGmy user planes75 viewsmy set of user planes. Bailey, Capewell, Dunlap, and Unknowns. Sure glad the plane bug has not bit. john krau

gclaus_recieved_2010.jpggclaus 201064 viewsHand dovetailed pine box packed with other gifts. Saw files, jointer and rake gauge, spokeshave, 220 block plane with a box, rosewood offcut and a lie-nielsen tapered molding plane iron blank.dhahn

058.JPGSet Block Top45 viewsThe tail of this set block is broken. If I find a better one I'll have two.OldSneelock

053.JPGSaw Jointer instructions49 viewsI picked this up in a small shop in Allen, MI. I was on the look out for a 2 man crosscut saw, and figured when I found it I would have to sharpen it.
Kind of a stretch for a user tool at the time but I got the saw eventually and was able to joint and set the saw. Patience is a virtue. OldSneelock

IMG_0996.JPGTruing the top flush to the legs450 viewsEverything is all bolted up here and I'm planing the legs dead flush to the front face of the top with a #8 jointer plane. The entire front of the bench - top, legs, and stretcher, is now coplanar for ease of clamping. The front of the deadman will lie in the same plane.TRexF16
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