Search results - "kit" |

mf_chisels.jpgBuck Rogers tools40 viewsFirst steps toward a proper 1950s toolkit.bwelch

new_shop_lighting.jpgnew shop lighting45 views1950s wagon wheel light moved from the kitchen to over my bench. Sorry for the quality--the lighting is very poor down cellar.bwelch

pencil_kit.jpgpencil kit23 viewskit showing stages of pencil manufacturedlarue

2012-01-14_16-56-37_513_crop_adj.jpgPrimed bird and bat houses35 viewsMy son built the bird and bat houses while working on his Webelos (Cub Scout) Craftsman activity badge. His block plane, model plane, clamps and eggbeater drill were used in making the houses. :)
I built 6 birdhouse and 5 bathouse kits for the Webelos. The Den meeting at which the houses were assembled featured a short show-and-tell session with a bunch of Galoot tools. :)timpendleton

Bike_Vulcaniser_Kit_1.jpg52 viewsPaul

Bike_Vulcaniser_Patches_1.jpgTyre Patch Vulcanisers43 viewsVulcanising kits for car and bike tyres.Paul

100_7317.JPGRodger Knife39 viewsCool old knife picked up at the "Free-market" (local Church holds a 'come and take this stuff away' event every spring). Note the "V <crown> R" stamp above the maker's mark. I guess this means it hails fro Queen Victoria's reign, which makes it a nice old kitchen tool.dlarue

WM_full1.JPGWoodrough & McParlin full view70 viewsApparently, the nib is actually kitty food.curt seeliger

Hillbilly_stick_knife.jpgHillbilly stick knife86 viewsI like to use old high quality kitchen knifes, such as an "Old Hickory" to make hunting knifes.Sam Peterson

kev_skitchen1.jpgkitchen reno53 viewskitchen reno finishedcowtown_eric

aug09photos2_002.jpgkitchen in progress jan 0946 viewscowtown_eric

PICT0017.JPGShephard vs. Spiers 213 viewsA parallel sided smoother from a kit and a coffin shaped Spiers with new infills and ironsspike