Search results - "kitchen" |

new_shop_lighting.jpgnew shop lighting45 views1950s wagon wheel light moved from the kitchen to over my bench. Sorry for the quality--the lighting is very poor down cellar.bwelch

100_7317.JPGRodger Knife39 viewsCool old knife picked up at the "Free-market" (local Church holds a 'come and take this stuff away' event every spring). Note the "V <crown> R" stamp above the maker's mark. I guess this means it hails fro Queen Victoria's reign, which makes it a nice old kitchen tool.dlarue

Hillbilly_stick_knife.jpgHillbilly stick knife86 viewsI like to use old high quality kitchen knifes, such as an "Old Hickory" to make hunting knifes.Sam Peterson

kev_skitchen1.jpgkitchen reno53 viewskitchen reno finishedcowtown_eric

aug09photos2_002.jpgkitchen in progress jan 0946 viewscowtown_eric

steam_bending_jatoba.jpgSteam bending adventures in the kitchen233 viewsbwelch

PICT0002.JPGShaker Stool140 viewsNew kitchen, high cupboards, make a stool!spike

Built-in_Kitchen_Pantry_ready_to_load.JPGPanty units finished and installed209 viewsLots of particular design considerations like access to the washing machine faucets and drain, and the potential need to move the unit at some future point for plumbing access.Sgt42RHR

PICT1266.JPGGalootaclaus 06170 viewsA Galootaclaus-made mortise plane. The blade is made from a file. The maker saw a posting of mine about making my kitchen cabinets and thought this would be useful; yes, indeed. Thanks!gstucker

House_cabinets.jpgMy Kitchen cabinet rebuild59 viewsThe original cabinet 1922 didn't alow room for dishwasher. I ripped out the old lower cabinets and the misses stripped the doors. While I rebuilt the lower section. We allso tiled the backsplash and counter top. This was our second room in the house that we practiced our tileing skills.KellysW