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Cabinet_front.jpgCabinet front closed152 viewsThe carcase and frame is all made from a single 40 year old air dried Appalachian black walnut board. The two panels are resawn and book matched from a single off cut of Indiana black walnut saved from the burn pile. The finish is four coals of 1-pound cut amber shellac, well rubbed out with 0000 steel wood after each coat. The whole is finished with a coat of Liberon brown paste wax. The knob is an ebony violin tuning peg. Closure is achieved by a rare earth magnet and a steel screw.Sgt42RHR

RosewoodPlane1.JPGShopmade luthier plane (rosewood)20 viewsGreg Isola

RosewoodPlane2.JPGShopmade luthier plane (rosewood)21 viewsGreg Isola

RosewoodPlane3.jpgShopmade luthier plane (rosewood)19 viewsGreg Isola

Galootaclaus2016-4~0.jpgBlacksmith-made items95 viewssaltchuck

galootmas1.jpgDelights from Walter, more33 viewsBooks to read and refer to, including plans for making storage for them, and build a house to put the bookcases in. One of Sloan's classics as well as help identifying the wood he made the candle holders out of. I was thinking butternut, but now I'm leaning to walnut.curt seeliger

galootmas2.jpgDelights from Walter30 viewsCandle holders he made himself, and a similarly sourced chisel holder, Witherby chisel and a drawknife both sturdy and ready for the home. Sweetly shaped mallet, curvy wrench (I'd not seen one of these before) and an oil can for obvious uses.curt seeliger

GC2016.JPGGaloot a Claus 201640 viewsBooks on iron and scrollsaw work, shopmade brass square/sanding blocks, caliper rule, Stanley chisel, LV calendar, Swiss chocolate plane and gnome (don't ask) and fine adult libationsnicknaylo

Massachusetts_low_chest_front_left_oblique_view.jpgLeft oblique view118 viewsThis is a western Massachusetts low chest, more plain and primitive than a Boston-made version. I used Moser's Honey Amber Maple waterborne aniline dye to get the color of aged maple. I applied a single coat of gloss wiping varnish after applying the dye. Next, I applied five coats of one-pound cut amber shellac. I then carefully applied and scrubbed away with mineral spirits a dark glaze in the fillets, corners, etc. to accentuate the moulding details. Last a sixth coat of one-pound cut amber shellac.Sgt42RHR

Massachusetts_low_chest_dovetails1.jpgDovetailed drawers99 viewsI made the four drawers when I got home from the class. I used dividers to maintain the same spacing ratio on each of the drawers, even though the number of tails changed with each drawer.Sgt42RHR

Virginia_corner_cabinet1.jpgEastern shore of Virginia corner cabinet171 viewsI began this two years ago in a class with Lonnie Bird at the Lonnie Bird School of Fine Woodworking, and just got back to finishing it up. While most Eastern shore of Virginia corner cabinets were painted pine, a few were made in walnut. These were typically build by finish carpenters rather than joiners. These carpenters used elements they were familiar with in building homes in the Eastern shore. Glazed doors, arched top doors, raised panel doors, strong bases, fluted pilasters, set-back capitals, etSgt42RHR

IMG_20160724_193406.jpggimme a wedgie27 viewswedge mortises are cut, a batch of beech wedges made.
wedge angle is 10 degrees. dlarue
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