Search results - "mesquite" |

IMG_2799.JPGGalootaclaus 2016 80 views11 items, two for chunks of Bodark and Mesquite from Texas, two for chisels needing a boatload of care, a bit holder also needing some help, a box of #7 slotted flat heads from Sweden of all places, dual sheave blocks, a mystery #593 Stanley hammer without faces, a NIB set of 6 Greenlee Irwin style bits, some acid brushes, and a tubular thing that apparently grows that way - never saw anything like this before, but I'm guessing that grew in Texas too. Quite an assortment.Charlie Driggs

IMG_3984.JPG210 viewsMade another stairs aw, as the old one wasn't very useful in combination with a fence. Used some of the Galootaclaus mesquite sent by our Rev. Hoyt a few years back (thank you again), and a few furniture bolts as clamps for the blade. Blade was cut from a donor saw and hand filed 12 ppi crosscut. Haven't tried it yet, but a project has been waiting for this for quite a while. Starting to hear a higher pitch on "when is that going to be finished?".Charlie Driggs

_DSC4481-qpr.jpgMesquite Jack Plane32 viewsA plane I made from the mesquite blank and iron given me by Tom Dugan for Galootaclaus 2010.starbuck56

_DSC4321-qpr.jpgGalootaclaus 201078 viewsGreat stuff from Tom Dugan. Mesquite, iron, and tote for a plane, Hock blade and quilted maple for a spokeshave, spalted turning blank, and a vintage t-shirt!starbuck56

Mini_Mallet.JPGMini Mallet156 viewsHad a little time in San Antonio visiting my brother, so I just had to try my hand at turning some mesquite. Decided to make a little mallet that weighs in at, oh, five or six ounces or so. Read on...Chuck Myers

IMG_2356s.jpghandles completed & mounted58 viewsA pair of mesquite turnings, finished with cyanoacrylate glue while on the lathe. Tang on the 1837 I&LJ White skew chisel is over 4" inches long, so it should be well supported. The schlagring on that skew came off the broken handle of the timber chisel, and had taken a beating before being cleaned up on the grinder.Charlie Driggs

2008-12_006.JPGMesquite Card Holder80 viewsBusiness card holder.GalootFrank

2008-12_001.JPGMesquite Table Top66 viewsMesquite top for coffee table.GalootFrank

2008-12_003.JPGMesquite Card Holders61 viewsBusiness card holders.GalootFrank

Scrub.jpgMini-Scrub Plane181 viewsHere is a modified ECE plane I turned into a scrub - along with a small hammer that I made a mesquite handle for.GalootFrank

Mesquite_Rocker_5.jpgMesquite Rocker156 viewsLarge rocker, now putting out white powder.GalootFrank
April_2008_032_(Large).jpgMesquite Rocker144 viewsShowing sap wood with bugs.GalootFrank
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