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Todays_loot.jpgtodays loot134 viewsThe muffin pan, the muffun pan, roy griggs

Screw-Arm_Plough-_W_M_Bailey_Co_#bottom.jpgScrew-Arm_Plough-_W_M_Bailey_Co_#3173 viewsSome small issues/ crack in fence that I think I can fix.roy griggs

Screw-Arm_Plough-_W_M_Bailey_Co_#2.jpgScrew-Arm_Plough-_W_M_Bailey_Co_#2120 views It wasn't cheap but it's in really nice shape. Only 1/4" iron at this time.roy griggs

Screw-Arm_Plough-_W_M_Bailey_Co_#1.jpgScrew-Arm_Plough-_W_M_Bailey_Co #1106 viewsW. M. Bailey & Co were a Chicago Hardware Co. and as such I doubt they actually made the plane. roy griggs

flea_mkt_2.jpgnothing over $3134 viewsMore clutter for the shop...
MAC tools 1/4" #'s
Horror freight 3/16" #'s and ltrs
craftsman screwdriver bits
Southington square
!/4" ratchet, gasket punch, sm. sledge, NOS handleroy griggs

White_Arkansas_Stone.jpgWhite Arkansas Stone446 viewsI probably over-paid for this stone but it is the first Arkansas I've seen at the flea mkt so I spent the $5roy griggs

flea_mkt__12-22--07_Hubbard,_Spencer_and_Bartlet_OVB_002.jpgHibbard, Spencer & Bartlett's "Our Very Best"436 views20" 12ppi x-cutroy griggs

flea_mkt_10-6-07_003.JPGMy Littlest #12311 views1888-1896 Medallion...No Nib, the tip of the blade
has been broken off, and also the bottom horn is gone
but for $2 it was just to cute to pass up...6 tpi x-cutroy griggs

flea_mkt_10-6-07_004.jpg358 miter box, #12 saw and Stanley sawset336 viewsroy griggs