Search results - "mortise" |

Egyptian_Chair_Seat_Unassembled_sm.jpgview of mortises and tenons for seat37 views jerkinsj

Chair_back_support_joinery_sm.jpgView of mortises for seat back support30 viewsjerkinsj

IMG_6115.JPGcutting mortises for chair top rail31 viewsjerkinsj

IMG_6119.JPGTop chair rail - mortised and prior to shaping31 viewsjerkinsj

IMG_20160609_220411.jpgmortise layout30 viewsmarking the centre points for boring out the wastedlarue

IMG_20160609_224134.jpgsample tenon29 viewsusing the sample tenon to prevent inter-mortise blow-outdlarue

IMG_20160612_150257.jpgboring boring30 viewsroughing out the mortisesdlarue

IMG_20160724_154555.jpghandy tool for wedge mortise layout25 viewsnever used this one in anger before, but wow, it rocks for laying out tusk tenon mortises! The square blade is used to wrap the mortise locations from one face to the other, the bevel dictates the angle.dlarue

IMG_20160724_193406.jpggimme a wedgie27 viewswedge mortises are cut, a batch of beech wedges made.
wedge angle is 10 degrees. dlarue

IMG_2082.jpgMortise & Tenon - Slit the envelope, and all this slides out37 viewsPacked in pine hand plane shavings, plain brown wrapper with a string tie, and note to the person gazing upon this for the first time, complete with real wax sealCharlie Driggs

IMG_2083.jpgCloseup of the "introduction" to Issue #1 Mortise & Tenon36 viewsWhy, it's even written in 18th century English! Remember that "f's" are often "s's" ..Charlie Driggs

Plate_with_tenon.jpgLeg plate27 viewsUpper steel tube slips over tenon that is glued into mortise in mounting platejerkinsj