Search results - "multi" |

IMG_7278.JPGmy shop's traveling pegboard13 viewsThis storage center has been in my shops in three houses, and supports easily several times its own weight. It is suspended from the floor joists above on two aircraft-style multi strand cables, and should one of those slip, the whole board would only drop less than 1/4" inc onto the benchtop below.
Items on this board include braces, drawshave, perfect handle and cabinetmakers screwdrivers, marking gauges, hand drills, gimlets, try squares, steel rules, metal shears, drill & screw sizing gaugesCharlie Driggs

DSC_0772_reduced.jpgShadow Box I62 views25" wide by 22" tall. Nice 12" Diston & Sons and a skewed multi-plane with some blades - Probably a Stanley or Sergeant. Anybody want the tube repair press :0)SomedayForge

sawbench.jpgsaw bench / hewing bench / moaning stool29 viewsHalf a basswood log, 4 pieces of ash for legs. The wood was from trees downed by the Great Ice Storm of '98. This does multiple duty in and out of the shop as seating, hewing bench, saw bench, morticing bench, &cetera.dlarue

Johns_and_Earles_folding_side_chairs-side_view.jpgSide view100 viewsThe folding aspect of this chair varies little in multiple examples of original folding chairs from this period.Sgt42RHR

sept__2011_last_022.JPGpocket multitool126 viewsPocket knife size multi tool. There is a spring loaded keeper in the end and the side. Tack hammer/tack puller, 3 screwdrivers, and quarter inch auger bit. Japanese markings, believed to be a WWII bring-back. The Swiss Army is the Tinker. john krau

chair_devil_34.jpgdetail multi-shot of a small chair devil24 views9" long, 7 Oz in weight (227 mm, 198g)bugbear

chair_devil_detail.jpgdetail multi-shot of a cmall chair devil24 viewsShots from top:
top view
front view
view of internal faces of disassembled devilbugbear

Wormy_Chestnut_rack_for_marking_gauges~0.JPGWormy Chestnut rack for marking gauges181 viewsWormy Chestnut from attic flooring in my folks old house. The bead on the top and front edges was cut with a plane beloning to my GGGrandfather (maker stoped making planes in London in 1765). One coat of 1.5 pound cut garnet shellac wiped on. Multiple mortise gauges have been a blessing making my folding 18th century side chair.Sgt42RHR

Wormy_Chestnut_rack_for_marking_gauges.JPGWormy Chestnut rack for marking gauges145 viewsWormy Chestnut from attic flooring in my folks old house. The bead on the top and front edges was cut with a plane beloning to my GGGrandfather (maker stoped making planes in London in 1765). One coat of 1.5 pound cut garnet shellac wiped on. Multiple mortise gauges have been a blessing making my folding 18th century side chair.Sgt42RHR

Using_a_frame_saw_to_multiply_by_dividing.JPGUsing a frame saw to multiply by dividing179 viewsThe frame saw I built with walnut scraps from the folding bed project worked great! I gaged a pretty deep line around each board and sawed to the line. I was able to get 5/16" thick stuff after I planed the saw marks away.Sgt42RHR

gclaus08.jpggclaus0837 viewsStanley Yankee 30A screwdriver, North Bros Yankee 41 push drill, L Coes Adjustable Wrench, Sargent multi-wrench, Tote blank and another offcut.dhahn

disston_multi-saw2.jpgDisston #101-105 nest-o-saws207 viewsroy griggs
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